Chapter 14

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Daxon looked at her sternly how can she know his pain when she has her mate with her. Who cherishes her and keeps her like a treasure and still she is showing that she is also alone like him. Is Alexander not the one who can't stay calm when she is not infront of his eyes and still this woman is being ungrateful.

"And how do you know that? You have your mate with you." Daxon asked her curiously making her smile sadly behind her veil.

"I k-know just." she replied to him thinking only if he knew what is going on in her life. Even he has her mate with her but he is still far away from her. She can't give him what he wants from her. She is just a worthless woman nothing else.

Daxon was watching her keenly and she was lost in her own thoughts. He understood that there is a lot that he should know about her and Alexander which his even Beta Alanso also don't knows.

"Do you always stay behind this veil?" he asked her acting curiously that he don't knows about her. His words snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked at him tensed because of his question.

"N-No this is the second time I came out of the castle after o-our wedding." she replied him hesitantly and he acted like he is so much in shock after hearing her.

"So you always stay caged inside the castle?" he asked her amusingly making her feel uncomfortable in answering his questions because she can justify Alexander's action to herself and convince her that he us doing all this right but deep down she knew it was not right and how she will make the man understand sitting infront of him. The word caged pierced her heart. Is she really caged in her own husband's love?

"N-no it's not like I'm caged." Hazel tried to justify Alexander's action but Daxon determined he will not let happen. Infact even if he is doing this to convince her that Alexander is caging her but somewhere it's really the truth of her life.

Daxon grinned at her mockingly. Hazel eyes widened watching him grinning like that she can feel something unusual and evil behind his mocking grin but she can't question him, if Alexander get to know she offended him he will surely do something with she will not be able to bear.

"You are just justify your husband's action. Don't you? But what about you don't you feel suffocated inside those four walls." Daxon said to her directly hitting his words in her heart and rubbing the reality in her face.

Hazel also felt like to agree with him but how can she let down her own husband. "N-No I d-don't." she lied to him but deep down she knew she feels suffocated inside those four walls and always wants to step out of it but Alexander don't let her.

"Liar." Daxon spat rudely making her feel hurt at his rude behaviour. Even if she is lying and he knows it still there is no need to rub it in her face.

Tears welled up in Hazel's eyes. Thinking everything which is happening with her. Her own husband don't let her feel free and always set rules and regulations for her and here is this man who is making her feel some spark and rubbing the reality in her face.

But what about her? Why no one asks her what she feels? What she wants? When will men start to ask her consent and stop forcing their thoughts on her. Why can't she live like she wants to? Why can't she do what she likes? Why always she has to ask for Alexander's permission for just mere things?

Daxon was gazing at her and saw her lost in her own thoughts he understood that his bitter words has completely started working on her mind just like he wanted. Hazel was thinking and thinking and this broke her string of endurance.

A sob broke out of her mouth and the tears slowly started streaming down her cheeks. Daxon turned stunned watch her crying in front of him. Did he really pushed her to her limits? His eyes were widened and after a very long time he had shown any expression oh his face just because of this woman.

But what now? He is not good with consoling someone. How will he stop her from crying?

He stood up from his place and came beside her chair. He squatted down infront of her. Even in his thoughts he didn't knew that he will be kneeled infront of a woman except his mate. He was on his one knee on the floor besides her.

He lifted the glass of water from the table and extended it toward her. Her grey eyes snapped at him and she turned stunned looking him sitting on his knee beside her. She turned her face towards him and looked at the glass in his hand.

"Take it." he coldly demanded to her extending the glass more towards her.

Hazel took the glass and took a sip from it and placed it back on the table. She was still lightly sobbing. He took out a silk handkerchief from his pocket, it has his name engraved on it as 'Daxon'. He took the handkerchief near to her and put it in her hand.

"Use it." he again said coldly to her and she wiped her tears with his handkerchief and clutched it in her fist.

Even if he was not showing any emotion amd expressing himself still Hazel felt tenderness and softness in his demeanour. When she looked in his black eyes she found an unusual softness in them. She turned confused but only if she knew that this was Storm's emotion which she is looking in his eyes. Storm didn't liked even a bit that Daxon his human form made his mate cry and the softness he was showing he was not him but Storm.

When he saw his mate hurt and crying infront of him his heart broke if he have one. So he took control over Daxon and tried to make his mate calm down he was feeling like her tears are making his heart to tears apart and he felt pain in his chest.

"I didn't meant hurt you, Sugar." Daxon said softly to her making her nod her head at him. Storm felt so bad and feel so much rage towards Daxon for making his mate cry. He will not tolerate if anyone even think about hurting his hate even if he is his own human form Daxon Valor.

"No i-it's fine." she said not liking that he is kneeling infront of her. But Storm was not taking it. What if she is not saying this from her heart and still mad at him he will not be able to take it.

"Did you forgave me, Sugar?" he again asked hopefully. Hazel noticed the shine of hope in his eyes and she didn't wanted to break it so she nodded her head in yes making him smile sadly.

"What's going on here?" suddenly the voice came infront of her making her eyes widened recognizing the voice and her head snapped towards the entrance of the hall and she started trembling in fear.


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