Chapter 49

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Daxon was caressing her head amiably. He was not in his rational senses and acting upon his conscience. When he saw the tears cascading down her eyes he couldn't control himself and his name escaping her lips broke all the strings of his control and he ended up being near her and comforting her.

Seeing her sobbing Daxon started cooing sweet words near her ear intending to calm her down and it worked. Slowly and slowly her sobs died down and new tears stopped coming out of her eyes. Hazel slowly unlatched her lashes revealing her pale grey moist eyes.

The first view infront of her was Daxon's cold face, void of any emotion but his eyes were swirling of so many emotions. Hazel couldn't take her eyes off of him. She slowly raised her hand and cupped his cheek so softly like she will hurt him if touch him hardly. Daxon was watching her actions silently because he wanted to know what's going in her mind.

"Your eyes are so beautiful." was the first thing Hazel uttered while looking in his eyes.

Daxon's became stunned and his whole face was showing his shocked expression. Did she just praise the beauty of his eyes? Because as far as he knows no one likes the colour of his eyes. How many times he had heard people talking about how his eyes are scary and looks too black to be true.

"They say my eyes are not beautiful enough." Daxon murmured slowly.

He was not in the right state of his mind now. This woman here is taking out the vulnerable part of him and he has no control over it.

"I'm sorry because your eyes don't get enough love." Hazel said making him snap his head at her.

Is this woman is for real? How can she even say that when she knows nothing about him except what he told her about him that day. Then how can she know if he is getting loved or not. He remained silent not knowing what to say anymore.

"There's ocean eyes, emerald eyes, and brown---" as Hazel was saying but Daxon cutted her off in the middle of her sentence.

"But what about black?" he asked her curiously and desperately like a toddler and his eyes twinkling in curiousness to know what she has to say about his jet black eyes.

Hazel smiled a little watching his behaviour. He was behaving like a little curious kid. She raised her hand from his cheek making him groan a little when her warmth got away from him. Hazel's eyes widened at his action but he care less at this moment. She continued what she was going to do and placed her hand in his hair ruffling them softly. Daxon closed his eyes in anticipation.

"Black eyes the colour of charcoal?" Hazel asked him making him nod his head timidly.

"They reminds of the dark sky in the night and the shine in your eyes are just like the twinkling stars." Hazel said smiling at him but he was keenly listening to her.

"They reminds me of darkness where I like to see myself." she said and caressed his cheek with her thumb.

"Depth and desire." she said and paused.

"Sweet intoxication." she continued.

"But aren't black eyes so uncommon?" Daxon interrupted her.

"So is rain."

"So is sunshine."

"So and laughter and laugh and kindness."

"They are but called uncommon but unique just like your eyes."

"All colors have come together just to be put in your eyes." she said and raised her head a little from the pillow.

She softly kissed on the lids of his eyes making him close them and accept her soft kiss but her veil was being the partition between his eyelids and her lips. Storm cooed loudly at her act. She was showing the affection which he had always wanted from her.

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