Chapter I: Rebirth

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The cold wraps around me like a shroud, sending shivers down my spine. Is this what awaits beyond the veil? If so, it's not the inferno of punishment I expected. I've done my share of wrongs, but surely they're not enough to damn me to hell... or are they?

With a lazy flutter of my eyelids, I survey my surroundings. It's a strange, dilapidated space, nothing like the pearly gates of heaven. If this is paradise, being good isn't all it's cracked up to be. The grime and clutter suggest more of a janitor's closet than celestial splendor.

"You for sure took your time?" A high-pitched voice said as the old door opened, revealing a tall lady wearing a maid uniform.

Uh who the fuck is this?

"No time to waste, fix yourself up. Your majesty has summoned you in the dining hall." As if on cue, two females wearing a less designed maid outfit came in with a basin full of water and a rug. They put in the table just infront of the bed I was in and left. The lady that entered first also left.

I slowly stood up, still confused as fuck. Where exactly am I?

Approaching the table, intent on splashing water on my face, I froze at the sight of my reflection. This can't be right. I've never looked like this-so beautiful, almost ethereal. My hair cascades in long, white waves, and my eyes burn a deep crimson. I seem so young, maybe around twelve. What in the world is happening to me?

A chill runs down my spine. Is this some kind of bizarre dream? I try to shake off the feeling as I glance at the water and the rag provided for me. They're filthy, like they've been used to clean up a mess. What kind of subpar room service is this? It's enough to make my skin crawl.

Thankfully, there's a closet tucked away in the corner, holding a surprise. Inside hangs a stunning medieval-style dress, its crimson hue accented by delicate white laces. As I slip it on, it molds to my figure as if it were made for me, complementing the colors of my hair and eyes perfectly. It's as if fate herself tailored it just for this moment.

As I was finishing to dress up, the door flew open. The same maid came in, with disgust in her face as soon as her eyes landed on me.

"Let's go." I still don't have any idea what's going on but I followed her. I won't have answers if I stayed in this room.

The grandeur of the castle is undeniable, but it's nothing like the romanticized versions I've read about in novels. Instead of vibrant reds and gleaming golds, the halls are shrouded in darkness, lacking the warmth and opulence I expected. The air is chilly, and the atmosphere feels heavy with an unspoken weight. This is no fairytale castle; it's a place of shadows and secrets.

After walking through what it seems like a neverending hallway, the lady that I was following stopped infront of a large wooden door. She looked in my direction, her gaze was so intense that I thought she's shooting bullets right in my head. She gave me a mocking smile, a smile that I could say, looks like of a devil.

So, indeed I am in hell.

As the massive doors creaked open, they unveiled a sprawling room dominated by an immense table, its length stretching seemingly to infinity. Surrounding it, chairs stood like silent sentinels, waiting for occupants long gone. Above, a luxurious chandelier hung from the ceiling, its crystals catching the dim light that struggled to penetrate the room. Despite the opulence, the space remained shrouded in an unsettling gloom, casting shadows that danced eerily across the walls.

At the far end of the table sat a middle-aged man, his presence commanding attention even in the dim light. Beside him, an elegant lady exuded an air of refinement, her poise unshakeable despite the somber surroundings. On the opposite side, two young men sat, their faces bearing a youthful vitality that contrasted starkly with the unfamiliar body I now inhabited.

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