Chapter LII: The Throne

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The hall fell silent as the Duchess of Draux's fiery voice reverberated through the room, cutting through the tension like a blade. Clad not in the customary finery of her station, but in the full armor of a knight, she stood resolute, her sword gleaming at her side. The urgency in her words spoke volumes, demanding action in the face of impending crisis. It was clear that the time for complacency had passed, and decisive measures were needed to confront the threat looming over her people.

The Duchess of Draux's voice carried the weight of pain and sorrow as she fixed her gaze unwaveringly on the Imperial Family. Despite her fervent plea, the Empress remained silent, a solitary figure perched in her corner of the room. Meanwhile, Cynfael occupied the throne, his demeanor betraying no hint of emotion, while Celine stood behind him, her arms wrapped protectively around his shoulders, a silent sentinel by his side. In the midst of the Duchess's impassioned appeal, the Imperial Family remained a stoic tableau, their reactions veiled in inscrutable silence.

"Then appoint me as your Emperor," Cynfael's voice rang out, the once-golden hue of his eyes now dimmed to a dark, somber shade, mirroring the depths of his resolve. Murmurs rippled through the crowd gathered in the conference hall, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty at his bold proclamation. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, signaling a pivotal moment that would shape the course of their empire's future.

"It is your duty as the crowned prince to defend this land!" Esmeralda's voice thundered through the hall, her composure shattered as she confronted the Imperial family. Her impassioned plea reverberated off the walls, a stark reminder of the urgency of their situation. The Imperial family, accustomed to a veneer of regal detachment, now faced the raw intensity of Esmeralda's emotions, her words a stark challenge to their authority and responsibilities.

"My, my. Why don't we all calm down for a bit?" The Duke of Gleis interjected, his voice smooth and unruffled, cutting through the tension in the room like a knife. All eyes turned to him, the focus shifting from Esmeralda, who sat attempting to regain her composure. The Duke's calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the fervor that had gripped the hall moments before, his words a soothing balm over the heated emotions that had threatened to boil over.

"Yeoris has already launched attacks on Clox. Without financial support from the Capital, we're losing men at an alarming rate," she reported, her words weighted with concern as she cast furtive glances toward Duke Clox, who remained silent and bowed his head in solemn acknowledgment. The gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air, the stark reality of their dire circumstances laying bare the urgent need for action.

The majority of the nobility remained neutral and undecided regarding the succession, with both Cynfael and Zion conspicuously absent and silent since the Emperor's death. Even the founding duchies were hesitant to appoint the next commander-in-chief of the Empire, their caution reflective of the deep uncertainty that gripped the realm in the wake of their ruler's passing.

The door burst open, and Zion strode into the room, his expression proud and resolute. The current Empress, her gaze previously fixed downward, looked up in fear at her son's determined visage. "Z-Zion. No," she whispered, her plea falling on deaf ears as the room fell silent, all attention drawn to Zion's bold proclamation.

"I will claim the throne," Zion declared, his words reverberating through the hall with shocking finality. Gasps of astonishment rippled through the gathered assembly, but Cynfael and Celine remained unmoved, their expressions betraying no hint of surprise or concern. As the Empress rushed forward, her desperation palpable, she pleaded with her son to reconsider, her fear for their lives driving her to beg for mercy in the face of impending turmoil.

"I suppose you've forgotten that you renounced your claim to the throne?" Cynfael's voice was devoid of emotion as he confronted Zion.

"I may have said it aloud, but without legal documentation, my rights remain intact," Zion countered, his tone unwavering as he approached the long table, where the leaders of the founding duchies and the nobility were gathered.

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