Chapter L : The War has Begun.

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The evolution of Clye mirrored the swift growth of petunias, blossoming from a mere idea into a thriving community. The partnership with Yeoris brought stability, utilizing the stones for a myriad of purposes beyond mere adornment. Over time, Clye's craftsmen honed their skills, transforming the stones into versatile building materials, household furnishings, and intricate decorations. Soon, the stones adorned not only jewelry but also clothing, marking the hierarchy with exquisite elegance. With the influx of funds from the Yeoris venture, Clye began to stand on its own, a self-sustaining beacon of progress and prosperity.

In the realm of agriculture, despite the unforgiving climate of Clye, we persevered. Through careful management and strategic investments, our livestock thrived, laying the foundation for stable meat, dairy, and egg production throughout the duchy. Glasshouses rose from the earth, sheltering our crops and expanding our agricultural reach, though our options remained limited by nature's constraints. With the steady trade established with Yeoris, we gained access to essential resources previously beyond our grasp, ensuring the prosperity and resilience of each and every one of us.

Amidst the ebb and flow of daily life, Clyians began to carve their own paths, embracing entrepreneurship as a beacon of hope in the aftermath of hardship. Witnessing their resilience and determination, I found solace in the knowledge that they were not only surviving, but thriving, their once barren surroundings transformed into a bustling hub of activity and opportunity. Yet, amidst the newfound vibrancy, a lingering unease crept into my thoughts-the conspicuous silence from the capital, a stark reminder of Clye's precarious position in the grand scheme of things. It seemed as though they had consigned us to oblivion, which for me is better. At least there's little to no possibility of them sending danger to our way.

"Greetings, Lady Clye." Albert, one of the head farmers of Clye greeted me as I take my morning stroll on the glass houses. I smiled back and greeted him a good morning. After months of being a Duchess, it is still weird to hear them call me Lady Clye instead of Gleis.

I walked through numerous glass houses and Clyian's home before I reached my destination for today - the training grounds.

Well, I pray to the gods that we wouldn't be needing a set of knights but according to Maurice, it was a necessity. Clye has roughly a population of fifty, most of them works either in Cerce production, in our glass houses or in our trades. We don't have enough man power to create a set of knights to defend Clye.

The only person in the knights of Clye is none other than Azrael himself.

"Morning." I greeted as I sat beside him. I could see his heavy breathing as he drank water from his bottle. He's been training himself since dusk. I don't know what's the reason of him pushing himself hard but whatever it is, I highly appreciate it.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked. I handed him my clean handkerchief to wipe his sweat and the dirt of his face. "No reason." I replied and shook my head. He accepted the handkerchief and used it to wipe his face, I just looked at the distance, deep in thought.

The tranquility enveloping us is a welcome respite, yet a gnawing sense of unease tugs at my consciousness, whispering of impending change on the horizon. Despite the serenity of the moment, a foreboding shadow lurks at the edges of my thoughts, hinting at unseen perils awaiting just beyond the horizon. As a heavy sigh escapes my lips, Azrael's keen gaze meets mine, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken fears that weigh heavily upon my heart.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I just gave him a weak smile instead of responding. He stood up and held me by my wrist. He gently pulled me up and leaded me somewhere deep on the woods. I don't know where we are going but I trust Azrael with my whole life now.

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