it's going to be okay

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    Since that night Shiloh and I hadn't spoken for weeks so I was dealing with all the stress and pressure on my own.

I held the plastic applicator in my trembling hands and sobbed as I read the display window.

    "Pregnant 5-6 weeks"

What the fuck Moon Goddess? I already knew what I had to do, I couldn't see myself having an abortion, I would give it up for adoption.

I just don't know how I'm going to tell my parents.  My mother was pregnant around my age but she had a mate and was in a stable relationship with my Dad.

  My Dad is a wonderful mate and father, I can only hope that one day I will have a bond as strong as my parents.

I picked up my belongings and tucked them in my pocket.

As I arrived home I went over scenarios and conversations in my head, and what I would say to my Mom and Dad.

Dad would be a completely different story he'd always been the hot-tempered one, but I've never been in trouble I've only watched my brother consistently piss him off.

It's not like they can ground me or anything, I am an adult, and feeling like a failure is punishment enough.

A knock at my door startled me. "Who is it?"

"It's Dad, can I come in?"

"Of course!"

I called out wondering what he wanted to talk to me about, Hopefully, Rumors hadn't reached him. I guess in the back of my mind I knew that he was always in the loop, if something went on, he usually found out about it pretty quickly.

"Hey sweetheart," Dad said reaching over and ruffling my hair.
"Mind if I sit?"

"Of course not, take a seat," I said pulling my knees to my chest and grabbing my teddy bear from my bed, so my dad could sit.

"Angel, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I know something's bothering you. I'm just worried because you don't seem like your usual happy-go-lucky self, your personality has done a 180. 

"I'm going to assume that Shiloh has something to do with this, considering I haven't seen him around either. As you know I am an Alpha not many things get past me, including the fact that your scent has changed."

I tried to interrupt but was silenced when my father put his hand up.

"Let me finish Before you say anything, I know your personal life and choice of boyfriends are not my business, even though I feel it is. But, What is my business is your happiness and well-being. My job is to love you, support you, and guide you in times of need.  Oh, and try to make sure you don't go out and mess up your life, before it's even started."

  "I've tried hard to do that. So you can imagine why I'm so upset and concerned when I see you so drastically changed in just a few weeks. You seem unhappy sweetheart, I'm not here to make assumptions or punish you, you're too old for that.  You don't have to tell me anything, but I hoped that you would, or at least tell me if there's anything I can do to help."

Before I could say anything my father reached into his pocket and pulled out my bag with the pregnancy test inside.

  "At first I thought it was your mother's but your scent and your pee's all over it." My dad said smiling softly after handing me back the bag.

  I covered my face and sobbed into my Palms, "I'm so sorry Dad."

"Honey, I'm Alpha for a reason I can sense it, I knew something happened your scent was entirely different. And when I saw you the last few days I sensed the pup growing inside of you." 

"I  was unsure if you were aware of it. I was also unsure if I should tell you myself or let you work through it on your own. Or tell us when you are ready, but wolves only carry pups for 6 months, so I knew I had to tell you."

" When I found the pregnancy test on the floor, I realized you had just found out. I haven't told your mother, I'm going to let you do that. I want you to know that no matter what you do I'm always going to be your Dad. And no matter what happens, there's nothing that we can't get through as a family."

"Your Mom and I went through quite a bit of problems at the beginning of our bond, but now it's different because you have our support, and we got your back, no matter what happens."

  "Ok Dad"I cried hugging him, "I Love you so much thank you for being so understanding."

  "Oh and by the way no matter what you choose, I'm okay with it."

   " Thank Goddess you said that Dad because I'm thinking about adoption!"
     " Okay but there are a few rules I have to put in place." He said placing his chin between his index finger and thumb as if he was thinking very hard.
     "#1: you will still go to college and continue following your dreams."

    "#2: Shiloh will be punished for his deceit."

     "#3: I've been invited to our future Kings coronation, you and Reed are expected to make an appearance there's no excuses!"

    "Also I cannot allow thirsty ass wolves to go around taking advantage of She wolves and lying to them. I won't allow it to continue to take place in my pack, So although you're going to fight me on this I will think of a proper punishment for him!"

      "Your brother told me everything after I Alpha ordered him."

Dad said kissing me on the forehead, "we'll talk more about this later, and  I'd like you to tell your mother after dinner. I don't keep secrets from my mate, especially when it comes to our children."

I couldn't believe how composed my father was, he wasn't even angry. I took a deep breath letting out all my frustrations. I can't believe it was that easy to tell my dad.


Throughout the entire dinner, I went over practice conversations in my head with my mother, and every single scenario ended badly. However dinner is over and I need to tell her.

"Mom, can I speak to you privately in my bedroom?"

" Yes honey, I'll be right there."


     After telling my mother [Layla] everything we embraced, we laughed, we cried, we reminisced, and she was honest with me.

"You did say you were considering adoption which I'm on board with and I think it's a good idea. But, you will finish college and continue accomplishing your goals and as long as you're okay with that, then I'm okay."

My mother said kissing me on the forehead.

"One more thing, you might want to consider Melissa and Chandra as adopted parents, you remember how the last adoption didn't go very well.
They've been hurting ever since, I think this will be perfect for her, that's up to you though baby.... No pressure. Oh by the way, we will deal with Shiloh, well and your father both will."

And with that my mother walked out.

Friday was a big day for me I was expected to go to the Palace with my parents and  meet the King. Me and my mom plan on going shopping tomorrow and for some reason my wolf was really excited about this.  I knew I had to get a good night's rest and after telling my family everything a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. Tonight I would sleep much better than I had in several weeks..


ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara