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Angel pov~

"So, if you want me to even consider giving both of you a second chance, there's something I need you to do for me," I stated firmly, crossing my arms and fixing a stern gaze on my identical prince mates.
Of course, I had never intended to reject them as my mates, but I figured they might be more inclined to comply if I made it clear that my own happiness was at stake. So, why not give it a try?

"Angel, you know that we would do absolutely anything you asked of us, no matter the cost. Just name it," Xander declared, attempting to wrap his arms around me. However, I swiftly pushed him away unknowingly, the thought of having two mates still hadn't sunk in.

I could feel the tension thickening in the air as I maintained my stern expression, not willing to let my guard down just yet. The words I was about to speak would determine the course of our future, and I had to choose my demands wisely.

"Firstly," I began, my voice steady and firm, " I need to get to know you both individually and in separate settings I also want both of you to understand the gravity of your actions. It's not just about me or my feelings anymore. It's about trust, loyalty, and the commitment we made when we entered into this bond. And I say we; because you both knew about this the entire time, the only reason I found out is because I had a dream about it."And when I said that, I noticed Xander gave his brother a knowing look like he knew he was up to something or possibly that he had something to do with that dream.

My words hung in the air, their weight sinking into the hearts of my twin Prince mates. Their expressions shifted from confusion to concern, realizing the severity of the situation. It was a small victory, but I needed more than just their acknowledgment..

"Secondly," I continued, my voice softening slightly, "I need you both to prove to me that you are willing to change. To be better, not just for me, but for yourselves and your kingdom as well. This isn't about just your lies and deceitfulness; it's about genuine growth and self-reflection."

Xander and his brother, Xavius, exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mixture of determination and remorse. They knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but they were willing to walk it, if it meant salvaging what we once had.

"And lastly," I paused, taking a deep breath to steady my racing heart, "I need time. Time to heal, time to regain my trust in both of you. Rushing into a decision now would only lead to more pain and resentment. Let's take a step back and allow ourselves to truly understand the weight of our choices."
Goddess knows I would have a harder time following this rule than they would, my wolf was already chomping at the bit to be marked; especially since she found out she had twin mates, that's two times the sexiness which made me very curious about their bodies, wondering if everything is identical.

As the words left my lips, a silence engulfed the room, the gravity of the moment settling upon us. The twin Princes nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with determination and a newfound understanding. They accepted my conditions, knowing that winning back my trust would require patience, perseverance, and a genuine commitment to change.
With a glimmer of hope in my heart, I uncrossed my arms and took a tentative step forward, allowing them to embrace me. It was a small gesture, but it symbolized the beginning of a journey towards healing and rebuilding what was broken.

Xander had a very clean scent like fresh linen and lemon grass, sorta like springtime. It had a very light and airy scent and smelled absolutely wonderful, Xavius was the opposite his scent was rich and dark.
When they hugged me close I felt an enormous eruption of sparks and I also knew at that very moment I wanted to try to make it work with both of them.

I realized that though the path ahead would be challenging, it was worth fighting for. For deep down, I still believed in the power of love and the strength of our bond. And with each passing day, as we navigated the complexities of our intertwined lives, we would inch closer to a brighter future, one forged through resilience and unwavering commitment. ..

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon