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Xavius's perspective

Making a quick trip to Luna Layla's pack may not have been the best decision, but it was necessary for her to answer the questions she had been keeping from Angel all these years. The fact that her actual father was sending her things and trying to make up for his past actions really bothered me. It appears that her mother only reveals fragments of the truth, shaping the narrative to suit her agenda.

  But then again, does she really have an agenda? This was her attacker, and I don't think I'd want my attacker around my child, that's for sure. So I'm sure she had a good reason for whatever she had done, but this has to come to light or her daughter is going to murder Cameron in her mother's honor.

As soon as I came upon the pack house the members stared at me and the pack obviously knew who I was and led me directly to  Luna Layla, and it didn't take long for the talk to become heated.

"keeping this information from your daughter is unacceptable. It is crucial to remember that even royals and the wolf council cannot challenge the will of the goddess. Going against the goddess will result in severe consequences usually death, and if your daughter proceeds with her plan, we will all suffer the consequences when we lose her. Layla, it is imperative to keep in mind that the goddess does not show mercy to those who defy her! As I utter these words, Layla begins to bow in submission.

Swallowing hard, I can't help but feel terrible about the way I spoke to her. She was a victim, and I have never experienced anything like that or know what fear feels like. But as I was about to apologize, she started sobbing and said, 'I'm sorry, Your Highness. I was just scared after everything he had done. I was afraid he would hurt my child or try to take her away from me. He was a dark, evil man, and even though the goddess has granted him a second chance, I don't have to. But I will give you the letters to give to Angel.'

Upon returning to Angel's apartment, my anxiety skyrocketed as I realized I had to deliver these letters to her to avoid Angel proceeding with her fathers execution and invoking the goddess's anger. Despite knowing that Cameron doesn't deserve her affection or anything else, he should at least be allowed to live in peace after his family's tragedy. However, unless I can find a loophole, I fear this situation will not end favorably with my mate. Fortunately, Xander has been looking after her in my absence.

"Hey there Handsome," Angel exclaimed as she jumped up and wrapped herself around me. I carried her to the nearby couch while she showered me with kisses. "Goddess, I missed you so much!" She said, giving me a firm but sensual kiss on my eagerly awaiting lips. "I missed you too, princess," I mumbled, which made her give me a skeptical look. "Something doesn't feel right! Spit it out, Xavius," Angel said, her expression shifting to one of concern as she stood up, placing a hand on her hip and then crossing her arms over her chest.

Instead of postponing it any further, I reached into my suit pocket and handed her one of the large stacks of letters, she would have felt through my coat anyway, so, there was no point in lying. 'What's this?' Angel inquired, turning over the envelopes studying them carefully in her hands and reading the front of them. 'They are from your father, Angel. I have been conducting research all this time, and I would have followed through with your wishes. Unfortunately, it cannot be done.' Angel looked at me, scoffing. 'What do you mean it can't be done?' she said angrily. I could tell I was getting under her skin, even though I hadn't intended to. "Well, the simplest way to put this is just to come right out and say it: your father has been given a second chance by the Goddess. Those letters explain it all, and there are many more where those came from. Your mother knew.' Taking a glance at Xander, I noticed his mouth hung slack in shock.

Upon approaching Xander, I received a forceful blow to the jaw, indicating that my actions had apparently provoked him by going behind his back. It was obvious that he was letting his emotions cloud his judgment. I then proceeded to explain, 'It was necessary to handle the situation correctly, and I chose to handle it on my own. 'I knew how you'd react.'  Xander's face was one of disbelief at the notion of someone being given a second chance, I provided details about Mike Weaver's tragic past and the mercy granted to him by a Goddess.

I retrieved the necessary paperwork from my suit pocket and handed it to him. As Xander reviewed the documents, my brother reacted with anger, 'I can't fucking wrap my head around this, how can the goddess let him get away with this?' Xander questioned in disbelief. I patted him on the shoulder. 'I know brother it bothered me too.' Simultaneously, Angel's piercing stare and furious expression questioned how I had obtained the information and whether I had confronted her mother about it, her face flushed with anger.

  'You were out of line by going behind my back and discussing things with my mother that were not your place to discuss. You have clearly crossed boundaries and overstepped. Get the hell out of my apartment!'Angel yelled, surprising me, I had never heard her so angry. I picked up my things and quickly left, mind linking my brother, 'take care of our girl, Xander.'

Another concern that arose is that she wasn't aware that Shiloh was her sister's mate, indicating that there are still many important details she must learn.
I am worried that perhaps it might have been a better idea for Xander to be the one to break the news to her, especially since she was already upset with me for speaking to her mother. I may have overstepped by confronting her directly and it's possible I let my anger cloud my judgment, even though I was just trying to address the fact that she was being dishonest.

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