missing him 18+

148 9 5

2 weeks later

Angels perspective ~

Having distanced myself from Prince Xavius for what felt like an eternity, I found myself immersed in a sea of silence for two long weeks, turning a blind eye to every text, every bouquet of flowers, and every heartfelt apology he sent my way. "You know he did nothing wrong, it was all your bitch sister! she did this! for revenge and now you're punishing our mate for something that mutt did!" Athena growl, her anger evident from the change in my eye color.

However, fate had other plans when an invitation to the Palace arrived, beckoning me to Queen Kenzie's Birthday ball - an event I couldn't possibly decline, given her status as both a regal figure and my mate's mother.

Queen Kenzie's radiant presence illuminated the room, her beauty and kindness shining through with every graceful gesture. She embodied the essence of a perfect Queen and mother-in-law, a figure to be admired and respected. Yet, as my gaze fell upon Xavius entering the room, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Despite the care aand attention Xander had lavished upon me in Xavius' absence, there remained an undeniable void - a missing piece that only Xavius could fill.

The twin princes were like night and day, polar opposites who each held a unique place in my soul. And I knew you can't have one without the other so How could I continue to distance myself from Xavius when they both were equally essential to my very being? So I would do something else I wouldn't reject him he would be my mate in every sense of the word but I would have Xander first.

As the door closed, Xander, so impatient and tired of waiting, grasped my throat firmly, playfully pushing me up against a nearby wall inhaling my scent as he nuzzled his face into the nape of my neck, breathing my scent in like some intoxicating drug that left him drunk with passion as he nibbled on my ear.

"Finally, I have you all to myself." He whispered in a low seductive tone, causing a shiver to run through me.

"I can make you scream and moan as loud as I want." He growled, taking a handful of my hair and using it to pull my lips closer to his in a passionate kiss. His lips were subtly sweet, and his breath was cool and minty, as i parted my lips and his tongue entered my mouth that was it.. I was already addicted and i knew my virginity would be non-existent by the end of the night.

I nervously eyed the bulge in his pants. Gulping, considering the giant tent he was pitching in his slacks, it was a reminder my vagina was definitely in for a challenge. Oh Goddess, my poor vagina. I thought, laughing nervously.

"Don't worry mate, Xander purred, I will take it slow and go at your pace. Besides, after a few moments of pain you'll adjust and your wolf will heal you," he soothed. Running his thumb over my lips.

With every soft caress of my skin, sparks worked their way throughout my being, giving me goosebumps and hardening my nipples enveloping me in desire.

His soft lips, so warm and so inviting, ravished my mouth and neck as he began kissing his way to my most sensitive spot. He nipped and sucked at the smooth flesh on my sweet spot while lathing his tongue over the area, a technique to lessen the pain and ready it for his sharp canines. Wetness pooled between my legs, leaving my arousal to linger in the room and leaving Xander lust drunk from my scent.

Xander's lips conveyed his every desire as he peppered me with open-mouth kisses as we hurriedly shed our top layers of clothing piece by piece. I gasped as he left tiny fireworks in his wake.

His hands' wild exploration of my body caused my wolf to purr and pace madly in my psyche... I moaned, covering my mouth as I felt his hands snake their way into my panties until finally finding their way into my wet sex.

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now