new opportunities

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Xavius pov ~

" This is all your fault! You had no fucking right to say that to Angel! I was trying to wait until she healed more! It's too much stress on a young girl, after losing a baby and then finding out that your father is a completely different person who assaulted your mother! what the fuck were you thinking!.. Now I can't even go after her!" Layla shouted as her screams slowly turned into tears.

" I know, I apologize, but I'm going to follow her and make sure that she's safe. It's the least I can do after I caused all this."I said with my head in my hands as Christian gave me a pat on the back.

"It's all right kid, you were just doing what you thought was best for your mate and you're not wrong she needed to know. All we were doing was delaying the inevitable, it's better she found out from her mother and not someone else." Alpha Christian said, trying to make me feel better, but it didn't matter my mate was out there all alone packless. She wouldn't be considered a rogue for 4 weeks and I doubt that her parents would let that happen.


Angel's pov~

So far I have a Camry I'm not sure what year but it's a good starter car, an apartment and now I've seen the cutest little bookstore I wanted to apply for a job at.
When I entered the bookstore it was cozy, the smell of apples and cinnamon drifted through the air, there were so many shelves filled with numerous books of all genres.
The decor persisted of 4 over stuffed burgundy couches with 2 ottomans 2 recliners a coffee table and a stone fireplace. The cash register was closer to the door, besides that, it looked like the scene in a comfy cottage.

All I wanted to do was take a seat on that Big comfy couch as the fireplace crackled with a nice hot cup of vanilla coffee and a book.
This place definitely knew how to draw a reader in. I made my way to the cash register to ask for an application, there was a help wanted sign in the window so I had high hopes for this place.

I noticed the woman at the cash register, she had braided red hair, and pale skin that was covered with freckles, as soon as she saw me she gave me a warm smile, she was cute.

She wore a spaghetti strap shirt with a red and blue flannel over it and stone washed blue jeans with hiking boots. the weather had gotten a little bit chilly lately so she was dressed for it.

"Hello, my name's Sasha welcome to my book store and reading nook. We have a wonderful selection of books, trinkets, and everything from horror novels to love spells. I also have been known to carry all the supplies a witch would need, you just have to ask, they're not on the display cases."
" Oh and we have coffee and snacks, every day we have different baked goods here, and our special today is: a large hazelnut coffee with two raspberry cheesecake cookies and your choice of book. If you sign up for our membership you can get this deal everyday for $5 otherwise it's $15."

" Actually, I was hoping I could get a job application, I'm new in town and I'm starting off on my own, I don't know anyone but I live nearby and need something right away. As soon as I saw your store I absolutely fell in love."I said with a warm smile.

"Well, as you already know I am the owner and I would rather go over the application with you then have you fill it out, I feel you can get to know someone better by talking to them." Sasha said smiling right back.

" Okay," I gulped nervously as she led me to the comfy couch to conduct the interview.

"So, is this your first job?"Sasha asked, tapping her pencil on her clipboard, making me more nervous.

"Technically, no, I was a receptionist in my father's office, I answered phones, sorted files and did the payroll for my other employees. My father has always been a very strict man and was adamant I did everything by the book, so I was able to obtain a lot of experience, I think I learned a lot especially when it comes to working with people and not to mention; I love to read and know how to run a cash register." I said trying to sound smart and confident, hopefully, she would buy it. I didn't exactly lie to her, my father made me do all those things, but what she doesn't know is that I was part of a pack, that is a job itself.
She nodded her head and wrote a few things down on her clipboard and stood up and held out her hand.

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now