crocodile 🐊 tears part 1

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Xavius's perspective

I decided not to tell Angel the truth about her father, knowing it would only enrage her further, and feeling helpless to change the situation. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my mate, especially if she acted against the goddesses' will. So, I chose to keep her in the dark and set out to investigate on my own.

Dressed in my most low-key attire, not wanting to intimidate anyone, I headed to the Twin Moons Pack house. Despite my attempts to blend in, the pack members immediately recognized me, and they greeted us with a mix of respect and caution, a silent acknowledgment of my royal status.

As they realized I was there to speak with Cameron, I noticed the puzzled looks on their faces, but they swiftly escorted me into the pack house, a breathtaking sight that left me momentarily stunned. It was inconceivable that someone who had committed such heinous acts could be entitled to such luxury, but I reminded myself that he had paid his debt, even though I couldn't shake the feeling that two wrongs didn't make a right. The goddess clearly had a different perspective.

Cameron dressed in a dark expensive suit with his blond hair combed to the side neatly, extended his hand that was covered in several large gaudy gold rings and greeted me with genuine cheer, his demeanor shifting to one of instant submission as he addressed me. "Prince Xavius, it's a pleasure to finally meet you! I'm Alpha Cameron McGregor,how are you, your highness? What brings you to the Twin Moons Pack today?" His smile was sincere, his act of bowing a display of respect.

Clearing my throat, I gathered my thoughts. "I'm here about your daughter, your eldest, Angel," I began. As the words left my lips, Cameron's expression morphed into one of bewilderment and sorrow. His softened gaze and the sympathetic look etched across his face caught my attention. "I knew this day would come," he murmured, a lone tear tracing a path down his cheek as I nervously brushed my hair back with my fingers.

As more tears streamed down Cameron's face, a pang of instant regret shot through me. "Then I guess it won't surprise you to know that she wants to execute you herself," I revealed, bracing myself for his reaction.

"Indeed, I acknowledge that I deserve the repercussions. Therefore, why hasn't she made the effort to come here and confront me in person? I am fully willing to accept any consequences as long as it leads to my daughter's happiness. Upon discovering the truth and my past actions, I started sending Luna Layla, my daughter's mother, financial support and letters bi-weekly. Despite not receiving any replies, I ensured to honor their boundaries and refrained from interfering." Cameron's reply left me surprised, hinting at a depth to his character that I had not previously considered.

"She's not here because she doesn't know. I haven't told her yet. I wanted to investigate everything and ensure that this wasn't just some ploy driven by your own selfish motives. But now, I can see that you have indeed paid your debt," I admitted, surprised by the unexpected admission that slipped from my lips before I could reconsider.

I couldn't help but acknowledge the weight of Cameron's loss, and I expressed my condolences to him, acknowledging the need for him to make amends for his past actions. "Your daughter needs closure, or she will hunt you down and slaughter you." I urged, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily between us.

Cameron's response was unexpected. He looked down, his foot tapping the tile floor in a display of frustration. "I can't do that. I have another daughter, and she's just found her mate. She doesn't know about any of it," he explained, noticing the disgust that flickered across my face.

His being selfish elicited a sharp retort from me, causing my beast to emit a low growl. Cameron, recognizing the danger, quickly bared his neck in submission. It was a clear acknowledgment that even with his blessings, he stood no chance against a royal lycan.

As tension hung in the air, the unexpected appearance of the enigmatic figure from the night before, Shiloh, caught me off guard. He stood hand in hand with a girl who bore a striking resemblance to Angel. "Prince Xavius, this is my daughter and her mate, Shiloh Walker and Pandora McGregor," Cam introduced, his daughter's mate visibly taken aback at the sight of me, a reaction that didn't go unnoticed.

"I see you two have already met," Alpha Cameron remarked as I stood with my arms crossed, my gaze fixed on Shiloh.

"Oh, we've met. This is Angel's ex-boyfriend, Shiloh-the one who lied about being her mate, only to mate her an hour before she shifted into her wolf for the first time, leaving her crumpled on the ground in pain and realizing get only used her. Oh, and she was also pregnant, by the way," I huffed, my words hitting Shiloh like a sudden storm, causing Pandora's expression to twist in a mixture of shock and confusion. "Angel, my sister, you did that to her?" Although Pandora had some knowledge of having a sister out there, she clearly didn't know the full extent of what had transpired.

The weight of the revelation hit Pandora like a physical blow, and she quickly wrenched her hand away from Shiloh, her features contorted with a mixture of disbelief and revulsion. "You sick- fuck! And you weren't going to tell me, were you?" she cried out before turning and fleeing, her words echoing in the air. "I hate you, Shiloh!" she screamed, her voice carrying the weight of betrayal and hurt.

Upon hearing the full extent of Shiloh's deceit, Cameron's fury boiled over, and he unleashed a powerful punch that landed squarely on Shiloh's face with a sickening crack. I didn't intervene; Shiloh had brought this upon himself.

"So, you thought you could waltz in here and live happily ever after with my daughter? I don't mess around when it comes to my daughters," Cameron declared, surprising me with the intensity of his protectiveness. "And you didn't just hurt one, you hurt both," he added, throwing Shiloh to the ground.

"The baby passed away, unfortunately," I whispered, the weight of the loss hanging heavily in the air. Cameron's anger surged in response, and in a flash, he shifted into a large, menacing black wolf, his fury consuming him.

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