the date 18+

148 16 5

Xander's perspective

I had made up my mind to take her out to dinner and perhaps enjoy a bit of dancing as well. According to my sources, she has a fondness for a quaint diner located just outside of town.

I can't help but worry that it might not live up to her expectations, but from what I've gathered, she isn't concerned with extravagant displays of wealth. My plan was to have a relaxed meal-I wasn't aiming to impress excessively, as I wasn't one to ingratiate myself. I intended to demonstrate my affection through my actions rather than mere words and gifts. With that in mind, I politely presented her with two options: we could either go to a high-end establishment and then proceed elsewhere, or we could visit the local diner and still continue our evening activities. I pointed out that she might appear overdressed for the diner, leaving the decision to her.

She replied through our mind link, "I'd love to visit the little diner outside of town first, and then we can indulge in the more upscale plans. They won't mind my attire; I can dress elegantly and still enjoy the meal there."

Encouraged by her response, I advised her to wear her most alluring dress, while I resolved to select the most luxurious suit from my wardrobe-most likely a black and ultramarine ensemble. I also planned to freshen up with a haircut and a shave.
Tonight, I was determined to demonstrate what it truly means to be a gentleman. I knew Xavius meant well, but his actions were beginning to irk me, and I couldn't allow him to tarnish my image any longer. After tonight, she would undoubtedly view Xavius in a different light.

Challenge excepted! I thought to myself we had always been rivals although we were twins yes we were close but this was our mate and I was determined to make sure she liked me more


I had our chauffeur waiting at the front gates when she emerged, and I was utterly captivated. She is the most exquisite being I had ever encountered. She exuded an undeniable allure, clad in a form-fitting red dress with an enticingly long slit that extended up to her mid-thigh. It was daringly close to revealing more than it concealed, and the neckline was just as revealing, her perky lush breasts were tightly against her chest, revealing just the right amount of cleavage to drive me absolutely fucking crazy.

As her long, beautiful locks cascaded down her back, I stepped out of the car to open the door for her. As she leaned in to enter, she sensually brushed her hair to the side, revealing that special spot on her neck. The sight of it sent a wave of desire through me, igniting a primal urge.

Her bare neck, warm and inviting, was more alluring than anything else. I yearned to feel the softness of her skin under my lips, to leave my mark, as her sweet, intoxicating scent enveloped me. The anticipation of sinking my eager fangs into her tender, dewy flesh was almost maddening.

Her captivating eyes lit up the moment they met mine, and I was drawn to her in an instant. Now, I couldn't help but imagine her perfect, crimson lips on mine or around my cock, I couldn't stop the visions of her staring into my eyes while my cock was deep within her throat. Each time I pictured it, a rush of desire washed over me, leaving me yearning for the taste of her sweet, passionate body.

As we made our way to our destination, she intertwined her fingers with mine, sending sparks coursing through my body. I was beginning to understand exactly how my brother felt and why he acted the way he did about her. She was celestial, and her name truly suited her.

Sitting down at the table I couldn't take my eyes off of her this caused her cheeks to turn shade of pink.

"Angel, I've been pondering our future together, you know the three of us,envisioning how all of this will unfold. I'm curious about how we'll navigate this unique dynamic, given that twins usually share a mate it can't be that hard.
I took her hand in mine from across the table, expressing my thoughts. 'I may not be the easiest guy to understand, and I might not embody the traditional image of a romantic Lycan. However, I want you to know that I would cherish you in your moments of vulnerability and safeguard you with every fiber of my being. I promise to fulfill your every need, and when we make love, it will be unlike anything you've ever experienced before.'"

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now