Fallen Angel 7

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Okay guys so this chapter is going to have some mistakes and punctuation errors. I didn't have a chance to really edit because I'm very busy but I wanted to make sure I got up another chapter for you, so I hope you enjoy!!


Angels pov~

I Angel Rose Benson, reject Christian and Layla Benson as my alpha and Luna, I hereby denounce myself from the Crescent Moon pack and relinquish my duties and responsibilities as a member. I also forfeit all personal and legal obligations to this pack. And have chosen to be a lone wolf until I decide otherwise or return.

As I said those words an unusually strong gust of wind sent a searing pain that burned through my chest eradicating the bond I had made with my pack. All my loved ones' howls echoed through my mind, they were crying in pain from the now severed bond, but when I began to hear my family scream it hurt deep within my soul, so much I collapsed to the ground not only in external pain but in internal anguish.

I heard my family's distinct screams one last time before the mind link went silent. I hope someday soon they will forgive me but if they don't I would understand.
I broke my oath to serve my pack and remain a member to keep my distance, I didn't want them to know what would be going on in my mind over the next few weeks, the less they know the better in case I get caught, and the Wolf Council or King orders my family. I must be careful and sharpen my skills to avoid any suspicion. Every day, I will diligently practice self-control and disguise my true intentions.

It's the only way to accomplish my goals and end that son of a bitch Mike Weaver.
I knew that would be one of the hardest things I would ever have to do. After I finished Breaking the Bond I made my way to our bank. I cleared out my bank account and savings account, Something my family had been saving for college so I could live comfortably and wouldn't have to call and ask for money.

The sum came to a whopping $53,000.43.It would be more than enough for me to get an apartment and all my essentials considering I had only brought my purse and the clothing on my back.

As soon as I establish myself in a different town I will be putting my plan in motion for Mike's execution.

I had spent most of the night looking through apartment ads and the most adequate one I found was three Towns over. It has a gorgeous view and comes fully furnished. Everything I needed was already set and to be honest I was actually very excited.

I had never been on my own before it made me feel so strong and confident, finally being a self-reliant woman made me feel important and in control of my life for the first time.

I've never been allowed to make decisions in my own life and when you have an alpha and Luna you have to abide by their rules whether they're your parents or not. The feeling was invigorating I had no one to answer to. I could sleep all day and party all night. I could have a different guy over every night then wake up and do it all over again. Although I'm not that type of wolf this lifestyle had its perks.

Prince Xavius's POV ~

When I got up early this morning something told me to go check on my mate, I'd only had a few hours of shuteye because I tossed and turned all night worried about her State of Mind. My Beast only made matters worse by scrutinizing me and telling me how much of a loser I am and now he's not speaking with me at the moment, he's upset that our mate is upset.

So, I figured I'd go grab some flowers maybe some chocolates, something to cheer Angel up, imagine my shock when I returned to an empty hospital room with a note that read the following:

To whomever is concerned,

I've gone to figure some things out, after last night's events, I've had a lot on my mind so I've decided to take a small sabbatical, maybe go to a spa or somewhere to relax and clear my mind. I'm focused on healing, I need this time to myself please don't follow me. I'm not in danger I just need to figure out who and what I am. And please tell my mate I'm coming back for him and to be patient.
Angel ♡

P.S. Please don't send a search party, I'm not in danger, I am completely healed now and I am an adult. I can take care of myself if you send anyone to look for me I will not hesitate to run!


I'm such a fool, I should have kept my mouth shut. I thought to myself whilst crumpling up the paper in my hand, my beast was so angry I could feel him attempting to tear his way through my psyche. I had never felt my Beast this strong, he eventually was able to take over my body momentarily and when he did he punched me directly in the eye. I would have had a black eye if he hadn't healed me.

"You fool you've lost her now. This is all your fault you imbecile, all you are is a pathetic human you're nothing without me!" My beast growled.

My own gruff voice echoed through the hospital corridor. Causing every single individual in that hospital to stare at me like I was crazy, luckily I am royalty, so they hurriedly looked away as I continued to argue with my Beast.

"Let me know when you're done being an ass so we can talk about how we're going to find our mate and by the way if I didn't have you I'd still be a walking-talking human being, you wouldn't be anything but a wandering essence seeking a human body to occupy.

Next time you try to pull that shit on me you can forget about the late-night runs and if you're going to be this aggressive, I don't think I can trust you around our mate."
"It won't happen again" my beast groaned irritatedly in my mind, he knew I was right, I had eventually managed to calm him down and he admitted defeat.

"I guess we're on our own with this one if we bring anyone else she's going to run so we're going to have to be very discreet and cautious. That means no outbursts, no aura, and scent if you can manage it. If Angel senses us she's going to run like hell." I explained to my Beast excitedly, it had been a while since we had left the palace.


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