cheeky mate

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    Angel pov~

As the sun's first rays peeked through the window, a series of loud, urgent knocks startled me awake. I quickly grabbed the sheets and wrapped them around myself,as The scent of fresh linen and lemongrass filled the air, infusing the room with an earthy fragrance that could only belong to Xander. Despite the lingering memories of a wild and electrifying night, I realized that there were important matters I needed to discuss with my other twin mate.

As Xander eagerly pounded on the door, I couldn't help but wonder if he would catch a whiff of my lingering scent on his twin. The weight of the situation bore down on me, and I struggled to anticipate his reaction. Would he be consumed by jealousy and possessiveness, or would he understand the complexity of our bond?
Xavius, rising from the bed and crossing the room in all his naked glory, flung the door open, his expression clouded with irritation. "What the hell do you want?" he growled. I found myself unable to look away, drawn to the sight of his sexy, firm form as he crossed the room.

A thunderous roar erupted from Xander's chest, and for a moment, I feared he might lash out at his brother. His anger was palpable, fueled by the unmistakable scent of our encounter. "Did you mark and mate her without my consent?" Xander demanded, his normally composed features contorted into a visage of unfamiliar rage and jealousy.

A sharp smack shattered the tense air, jolting me from my thoughts. It took me a moment to register the sound, but when I did, I knew Xander and Xavius were on the brink of a violent confrontation. Xavius had struck his twin with a force that reverberated through the room. As the tension escalated, I feared that their conflict would escalate into something far more dangerous. However, to my surprise, Xavius stood his ground, pressing Xander against the wall. Their matched strength fueled the imminent clash, and in a desperate attempt to diffuse the escalating situation, I rushed over and placed my hands on both of their biceps. Almost immediately, a sense of calm washed over them, and the wild intensity in their eyes receded, returning to a semblance of normalcy.

As the tumultuous scene came to an abrupt halt, a surge of indignation coursed through me. Standing back with my arms crossed and a fierce scowl etched on my face, I refused to tolerate their behavior. They were behaving like petulant children, squabbling over a possession, while failing to recognize that I was no mere object to be fought over.

"If you insist on behaving like children, then I'll have no choice but to treat you as such," I declared, my voice laced with frustration. "As for the matter of marking and mating, I will not be dictated to. I will make my decisions based on your actions. I may even choose to reject you, Xander, given your current behavior. Your future actions will determine the path we take from here on out, so choose wisely." My words carried the weight of my simmering anger as I made my position clear.

I anticipated Xander to soften and offer an apology, but to my surprise, he stood his ground, arms crossed and eyes narrowed with anger.

"I won't plead for your affection, and I refuse to pursue you like a desperate puppy. You either want me or you don't. I won't stoop to Xavius's level and beg for your attention."," he retorted sharply. His words cut through me, leaving behind a sense of disbelief at his apparent indifference.
Before I could respond, Xavius interjected with a warning. "Xander, I'd advise you to reconsider your words. You're speaking in anger, and you'll regret this later. Have you even considered the consequences? I'm ready to put in the effort to make this work, whether you are or not. You'll have to watch us together every single day. Can you handle that?" Xavius's smirk held an undeniable challenge, a testament to his confidence in the situation.

"Don't say a word, Xavius," I huffed, my tone resolute and now speaking directly to Xander. "Your brother has consistently treated me with kindness, and I've reciprocated those feelings. In contrast, I don't feel the same connection with you due to your behavior. If you don't want to pursue me, that's fine, but there's a stark difference between being assertive and being outright disrespectful. I don't think I want a mate who acts the way you do, and if you don't stop, I'll have no choice but to reject you," I stated firmly.

Xavius looked at me with a plea in his eyes, urging me to understand. "He doesn't mean it. Our beasts are different; they're more possessive, and unrelenting not to mention incredibly stubborn, we don't succumb easily, and we never pass up a challenge, we don't bluff," he implored. Frustrated, I met his gaze. "Why isn't he the one telling me this? It's clear that he doesn't care about me," I lamented, the weight of the realization heavy upon me.

As I stood firm in my resolve, I realized that my threat of rejection had been a bluff. I hadn't truly intended to sever our connection, but I hoped that by introducing the possibility, Xander would be prompted to reflect on his actions in the future. As I met his gaze, I discerned a tumult of emotions beneath his tough exterior—shame, and a tinge of sadness. It tore at my heart to see him in such a state, but I felt compelled to impart this difficult lesson, fully aware that it would have an impact on both of us. Despite the pain it might cause, I believed that it was necessary to convey the gravity of his behavior and the significance of his words.

As the words "I, Angel Rose Benson, reject..." began to form on my lips, Xander rushed to me. With a sudden, passionate grasp, his strong arms wrapped around me and he enveloped my face kissing me with such intensity that all coherent thought escaped me. In that instant, my mind was consumed by the perfection of his lips, the invigorating hint of mint on his breath, and the electrifying sensation of his touch against my skin.

I felt myself melt into him, a his form perfectly fit mine.

Upon witnessing the scene, Xavius chuckled softly, gathered his clothes, and discreetly closed the door, granting us the privacy to become better acquainted. However, I realized that there was much about him that I had yet to discover.

A  Realization washed over me that I was completely naked, draped only in a sheet, sharing an intensely intimate moment with my other mate for the first time. I felt the sudden urge to freshen up, and as I began to pull away, I sensed that he understood. As we parted, breathless from our heated exchange, he gently lifted my chin with his finger, locking eyes with me before speaking, "get ready, I'm taking  you out today, to spend some time alone and get to know you better. That is, if you're not afraid of me and my big bad beast," Xander said with a smirk and a playful wink.

With a playful side glance and a coy nibble on my bottom lip, I responded, "ok" as I took a few steps backward, unable to tear my gaze away from him. Before I knew it, I found myself pressed against the wall, fumbling for the bathroom doorknob. I smiled embarrassed as he opened the door for me.

"Guess I'll see you later, maybe around 3:00," he remarked with a swift flirtatious smile before bestowing one final, fleeting kiss, leaving me breathless as I slid down the wall. Oh my Goddess, he was gonna be trouble. I thought to myself as butterflies invaded my stomach.

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