painful Revelations

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    Layla/mom pov

"After all Angel's been through with the pup I'm afraid that if I told her the truth about her father she wouldn't recover. " I argued with Christian about revealing the truth to Angel.

"If you don't tell her you may lose her forever, Keeping a Secret like this only hurts people in the long run, I'm not saying this to be a dick babe but she's literally in the hospital right now, and they're asking her for her medical history and they need to know, that way they can give her some sort of explanation as to why this occurred. She's lost a pup I can't imagine the pain that she's feeling right now, she's going to want answers. Besides, It could be a genetic defect and she doesn't exactly have my genes."Christian said with a sympathetic look.

"You know what Christian  you're absolutely right, I'm sorry I argued with you, I just can't imagine her feeling like she wasn't wanted, I don't even know what's going to be going through her head when I tell her that she's the product of a rape."

"You don't have to tell her she's a product of a rape, some things are better left unsaid, you could just tell her she has a different father or that you had some sort of Secret Love Affair before you met dad, and that he's not around." Reed said coming out from the neighboring room, he obviously heard everything we said.

"Don't look so surprised, I'm of alpha blood I can smell the difference mom, I knew this whole time. I just didn't know that you were a victim of sexual assault,  I'm sorry that happened to you, but I don't want to see my sister hurting any more than she already has too."

"I agree that's why I haven't brought it up, The truth is he was my mate and he assaulted me and I was rejected shortly afterward, he did some prison time and they took his canines. I don't want you repeating any of this to your sister, I don't think it's the right time to tell her, eventually I will but for now, I think we'll just tell her that she has a different father." I said telling my son the unfortunate truth.

"Great more secrets! Reveal the truth to our son and then tell him not to tell his sister, now he's keeping a secret from her too! You're going about this all the wrong way Layla. I know out of all people keeping secrets never helped anyone, especially one so damaging, this is going to change her entire life! You're going to tell her the actual truth again later? I'm sorry Layla but I need a break from you, I'm going to go to the hospital and spend some time with my daughter before she finds out that I'm not her father and hates me." Christian scowled grabbing his jacket and slamming the door, I could tell he was pissed and hurt.

"Where is her father anyway?"Reed questioned.

"The last I heard, Mike was no longer a wolf and had no knowledge of Our Kind, one of the goddess's many tricks or bonuses in this case. I know he had children, and although he doesn't know Angel exists anymore,  I'm glad because he's not the type of person I would want around my daughter. He's not her father your dad is, he always has been."

I replied, unsure of what else happened to Mike, thinking back I wish I would have let him die, but I didn't and now I regret that. I was a kid all those years ago and I just wanted happiness I  couldn't imagine my daughter learning that I had a hand in putting her biological father to death.
Reed and I made our way to the hospital I had to reveal a portion of the truth to my daughter, I  pray to the Goddess that I don't lose her forever.

Tears streamed down my face, as I held onto hope tightly. Angel is my everything, and I couldn't bear to imagine a life without her.

Everyone had left the room giving my daughter and myself privacy, I wish they hadn't I felt I would need just as much support as her.

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now