more secrets

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    Angels perspective ~💗

I stood there, transfixed, watching in disbelief as my mates, who were twins bound by an unbreakable bond, engaged in a brutal conflict that defied all logic, reason, and factual evidence.

    The sight of them tearing at each other sent a surge of fear and confusion coursing through me, leaving me paralyzed and unable to comprehend the turmoil unfolding before my eyes.
"Twins aren't supposed to fight over a mate," I whispered, my voice barely a breath in the tumultuous air. "They know their mate is meant to be shared equally, without jealousy or animosity and in perfect harmony."

"This makes no sense... there should be no ill will between twin brothers," I added as I stared out blankly, my words a feeble attempt to make sense of the inexplicable scene playing out before me.

Before I could grasp the full gravity of the situation, Athena my wolf surged forward with a primal fury that seized control of my very being. "What are you doing, Athena?" I cried out, my voice tinged with panic as I felt like a mere spectator in my own body.

Athena's voice, a blend of authority and chaos, echoed in my mind, her words cutting through the chaos like a blade. "One of our prince mates is not equal to the other."

My heart raced with confusion and dread. "What do you mean, Athena? They're identical twins, aren't they? That's impossible!" I stammered, holding back a Sob and struggling to make sense of her cryptic revelation.

With a voice that carried the weight of ancient decrees, Athena spoke of lineage and kingship, her words ringing with an authority that brooked no dissent. "Xavius is the rightful heir to the throne, the eldest and the strongest. We must honor and obey him, for he is our King and our leader, and I pledge my undying loyalty to him."

As her words settled over us like a heavy shroud, I felt a sense of foreboding wash over me, realizing that the intricate web of our destinies had been woven with threads of betrayal and uncertainty. And in that moment of revelation, I knew that our fates were inexorably entwined in a tapestry of loyalty and treachery, where allegiances would be tested and choices would determine the course of our shared destiny.

The decisions made in that crucial moment would shape our future. It was important to weigh all the options and choose wisely. I love them both, but did I love each brother equally or was i kidding myself? I guess deep down I knew that I had always loved one of my mates more, but why?
Xander's ears perked at Athena's revelation, and instead of retaliating, he stood still, uncertain about the truth in her words. Slowly, his body morphed back into his human form, his silver fur quickly disappearing and Xavius followed suit swiftly. Rising with an authoritative air, Xavius held his head high as he spoke.

"The words Athena speaks are true," Xavius asserted confidently. "I have always felt more powerful and of higher standing than you. Perhaps the family knew this, which explains why they kept me in the limelight and you in the shadows. Why hide our twin status if not to protect a certain image?"

Approaching his brother, Xavius placed a hand on Xander's shoulder with a sympathetic look and continued, "I love you equally, but you cannot forbid me from marking my mate." Suddenly, he grabbed Xander by the throat, revealing a hidden truth, "I've pretended to be weaker, letting you win fights, arguments and make important decisions. Rumors about our unequal status and your different lineage have circulated since our childhood. The time for secrets is over; the truth will come to light, regardless of the consequences." Xavius said setting his brother down gently, proving his point that he was a lot stronger.

Xander's eyes widened in shock as he realized the magnitude of Xavius' confession. He knew that their society was deeply rooted in tradition, power, and maintaining appearances, but he also knew that he loved  me and wanted what was best for me, or that's what I'd like to believe. Even if it meant going against the norms and fighting his own brother.
Finally mustering the mental strength, I mentally propelled myself forward, seizing control and sending Athena deep into my own psyche.

"Hold on a minute," I interjected, incredulity coloring my words. "You're saying that your mother was forcefully taken by a rogue, making Xander only half Lycan? Are you suggesting that she was intimate with your father, King Falcon, so closely to the time of the assault that both their seeds fertilized 2 separate eggs meaning your fraternal twins and not identical? " Xavius remained silent, his expression grave as he met my gaze. 'Yes' Xavius nodded.

"Wow, hmm, welcome to my world, I know exactly how you feel. I exclaimed, my jaw nearly hitting the floor in astonishment.
"But there's more I must tell you, Xander. The reason I sought out Mike Weaver was not just for Angel, but to find your father. It was Mike Weaver's band of outcasts who raided the palace all those years ago. I needed to confirm that he wasn't your father. And it turns out, I was right. Your father was the very first Rogue King, you actually have another brother." Xavius said, rubbing his hands together and bringing his brother in for a hug. Xander quickly pushed Xavius away.

"You have betrayed me, brother. You, your father, and our mother," Xander's voice  out, laced with a mixture of hurt and amusement. "All this time, you led me to believe that I was a pure-blood Lycan Prince," he chuckled bitterly. "And while you may wield more power and claim higher status, I have already marked our mate. Therefore, you hold no sway over her," Xander declared, a sly smirk dancing on his lips, a glint of defiance in his eyes.

"You truly are more ignorant than I had ever imagined," Xavius retorted, rolling his eyes in exasperation. "As the one of higher standing and being twins, the choice of whether she is marked or not falls to me. Furthermore, you are not even considering Angel's own wishes in this matter," Xavius stated firmly, his voice carrying a tone of authority.

"Xander, I urge you to reconsider your actions and not act rashly. You do not want to make a decision that you will deeply regret, especially since you stand no chance in a confrontation with me," Xavius warned, his gaze unwavering, a sense of warning underlying his words.

At that moment I realized CJ, the little rogue my mother took in before I was born was possibly Xander's half brother.

Xanders perspective ~

The truth is, I knew my lineage all along, the weight of my deception was becoming heavy on my conscience. Every opportunity I had, I stirred up arguments between Angel and Xavius, hoping to sow seeds of doubt in her mind, hoping she would lean towards me for comfort and love, hoping she would think I was the better mate in the end. I even reached out to Pandora; we both craved revenge, and our plan worked for a while. I managed to mark our mate first, believing that our bond would overshadow her thoughts, keeping her occupied so she wouldn't miss Xavius. But I was mistaken, she will always love him more. I knew what I had to do and that's when I said it.

"I half prince Xander Luca challenge my twin brother, Prince Xavius Luca to a fight to the death, the winner takes Angel Benson as their queen and mate!"

My heart practically thudded out of my chest, but I always knew one day the time would come that I would have to defeat my brother, and that time was now. Looking over at Angel, I noticed tears flowing freely down her cheeks. I truly felt terrible about what I was doing, but, I knew it was the only way to have her to myself.

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