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Angels perspective ~~

I awoke to the tantalizing aroma of sizzling bacon, the savory scent weaving through the air and pulling me from the depths of slumber. As I stirred, I became aware of Xander's strong arms enveloping me in his embrace, holding me close to his chest. The warmth of his body against mine and the rhythmic rise and fall of his breath had cocooned me in a sense of unparalleled security, granting me the most restful sleep I had ever experienced.

Reluctantly, I attempted to extricate myself from his embrace, but Xander's hold remained firm, refusing to release me. "I have to get up," I murmured, stealing a glance at the alarm clock, only to discover that I still had an hour before I was due at work.

"No, you're not working anymore," he grumbled, his voice husky with sleep. "You have no need to." With a lazy stretch, he reached for his slacks, retrieving his money clip from his back pocket and it was so large that I couldn't understand why he would have that much money on him. "Just take it," he insisted, wrapping his arms around me again and drawing me back into the curve of his body, "there's plenty more where that came from" Xander yawned.

I attempted to protest, but his kiss, tender and intimate, landed softly on my temple, rendering me momentarily speechless. "Xander," I murmured, attempting to wriggle free, but his deep, velvety tone halted my efforts. "No arguments," he declared, his breath warm against my ear, as he held me in the tranquil sanctuary of his embrace.

"Oh, you're not making me quit my job," I asserted, my voice firm and unwavering. "I don't need a man to take care of me. A smirk played at the corner of Xander's lips." We both know I'm not a man" he retorted, but I huffed in anger, "I can make plenty of money on my own. Besides, The job is not technically for the money," I explained, my words hanging in the air, causing Xander to sit upright in bed, his expression one of confusion.

"Angel, why are you fighting me on this?" he inquired, his brow furrowing with concern. "I thought you would love to be able to just do what you want and not have to worry about bills," Xander said, a touch of incredulity coloring his tone.

I took a deep breath, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. "It's not about the bills, Xander," I began, my voice softening. "It's about more than that. It's about my independence, my purpose. I need to feel fulfilled, to have something that's mine, something that challenges and inspires me. I want to contribute, to make a difference," I confessed, the depth of my emotions resonating in the stillness of the room.

I was raised as the daughter of an Alpha, I've grown up with every need and desire met, never having to want for anything. Everything has always been handed to me, and I just want to prove that I can survive on my own. Yes, I did use my college money to help me get set up in a new city, but my plan is to put every penny back. That's the main reason I wanted to start the job - to replace all the money I used. I don't want to owe anyone anything.

Christian is not my biological father, but he has been a father to me in every sense of the word. I just want him and my mother to know that I am not like my biological father, I refuse to use my father's title to get what I want - I refuse to be a worthless piece of shit. My biological father used his title to get away with things, and it was wrong. I'm determined to show everyone that my accomplishments are entirely my own, and that being Mike Weaver's daughter doesn't define me. I've overheard the whispers, I've heard the rumors, and now that I'm mated to two lycan princes, I know they'll only intensify."

I see a flicker of sadness cross Xander's face. "You'll never be like that piece of shit! And fuck all those gossiping mutts! I can't believe you would even utter those words. You're a phenomenal mate and she-wolf, that's why you've got two prince lycan mates. Do you really think that some ordinary she-wolf would just get two lycan princes as mates? No, they wouldn't, because you're not ordinary - you're incredibly special. And the moon goddess knows that," Xander said, closing the small distance between us.

As his lips gently met mine, Xavius arrived with a tray of breakfast, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon and eggs filling the air. He gestured for me to recline, placing the tray in front of me. Breakfast in bed with my wonderful mates, I thought to myself, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. "God, I'm so fortunate," I whispered to the wonderful mates that sat beside me, knowing that their love was a precious gift.

Shiloh's perspective ~

"That loud-mouthed little bitch, Angel, ran her mouth, and now everybody knows what happened between us, Reed beat me within an inch of my life, and then Alpha Benson threatened me with banishment from the pack, at the least. So, I figure if Angel and her family got her hands full with other things going on and the pack does too, they'll forget about my little discrepancy.

Or maybe if I can take down Angel's biological father, Mike weaver, then hopefully Alpha Benson will be grateful and will let me remain within the pack, it shouldn't be too hard, he is a human after All. I had already tried to mend things with her, and her new mates threw me out the goddamn window.

I had no idea she ran away to be with not one but two lowly lycans. So, after doing my research and using my senses, I went to find her biological father, and I was surprised at what I saw. This man was supposed to be wheelchair bound and wolf-less, but I think if Alpha Christian Benson really knew what was going on, he would shit a brick, considering Mike did assault his mate.

As I continued to survey the renowned Mike Weaver, I was taken aback by the sight of his magnificent estate. His sprawling, elegant home exuded an air of opulence, with its grand architecture and lush surroundings. The pack that surrounded him seemed to pulsate with life, their vitality palpable in the air. Among them, playful pups frolicked, their innocent joy a stark contrast to the enigmatic figure at the center of it all.

I couldn't help but wonder if Angel, unaware of her father's well-being, knew that she had siblings. This large man, who stood before me, defied all expectations, it was hard to believe it was the same person but as I glanced at the photo in my hand it was undoubtedly him. He was not the decrepit, weary figure I had anticipated. Instead, he exuded an undeniable aura of power, his eyes alight with a fierce vitality. It was clear that he was not merely existing, but truly thriving, a force to be reckoned with in his own right.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the air, calling out, "Alpha Cameron! We need to speak it's urgent," in a tone of both deference and familiarity. My gaze shifted to the source of the voice, settling on a man who, though smaller in stature, exuded an almost equal measure of strength and presence. "Alpha Cameron," he repeated, addressing the man before me by his new name with a sense of reverence. It was then that the enigmatic figure, known to me as Mike Weaver, responded, "I'll be right there, Joey."

Stunned and incredulous, I struggled to comprehend the impossible. How could this be? Mike Weaver, once banished and stripped of his canines, had been forced to live among humans, fading into obscurity. Yet here he was, seamlessly maneuvering through his position of power and influence. It was unfathomable, defying all logic and reason. My mind raced with disbelief as I grappled with the inconceivable truth. Surely, Alpha Benson needed to be informed of this unprecedented turn of events; the repercussions of such a revelation would surely shake the very foundation of our world.

Suddenly, she came into view, a striking resemblance to Angel, but a year or so younger, exuding an incredibly divine scent reminiscent of the beach with a subtle undertone of coconut. My surprise peaked as Cameron, also known as Mike Weaver, wrapped his arm around her and planted a tender kiss on her forehead. I watched in disbelief as they strolled back into the house, the scene unfolding before me revealing a side of Mike that I hadn't expected-a caring and devoted father.

As the realization of her identity settled in, and I grasped the significance of her connection to me, my entire plan was on the verge of a profound shift.

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now