revealing dreams 11

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Angel pov~

On my way home from work, I had a strong sense that I was being watched. My heart started racing as I increased my pace, constantly glancing over my shoulder. However, to my relief, there was no one there; just the echo of my own footsteps. The empty hallway felt eerie, causing me to quicken my pace even more. As I turned the corner, I unexpectedly collided with someone. Startled, I stammered out an apology, but their face was concealed by a hood. Slowly, they revealed their face, it was none other than Xavius.

As I looked at him, I couldn't help but notice that something was off. Although he appeared to be my mate, his scent was strangely different once again. It was pleasant, even incredible, but it was definitely not my mate's scent.

I smelled his captivating fragrance, but he disappeared. I was left perplexed, wondering if it was real or just an illusion. Disappointed, I reluctantly went back to my apartment, feeling weighed down by the challenges of the day. The streets were deserted and there was a melancholy silence. When I reached my apartment building, I was consumed by fatigue. Everything felt like a battle and I felt both physically and emotionally drained. Finally, I collapsed onto the couch and let the weariness take over.

I tossed and turned for the first hour unable to get my mate off my mind.
I must admit, I was feeling a pang of guilt about the way I had treated Xavius. Perhaps I had overreacted after all. It's true that controlling one's emotions can be challenging, especially when you're a Lycan. Despite my better judgment, a gnawing curiosity led me to visit him at the grand palace.

As I approached the towering gates, a sense of foreboding washed over me. The atmosphere felt heavy, laden with secrets yet to be unraveled. With each step, I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant awaited me behind those intricately carved doors.

Pushing open the massive entrance, I entered a world of opulence and grandeur. The palace's halls seemed to stretch endlessly, adorned with priceless artifacts and exquisite paintings. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the power and influence Xavius's family wielded.
Yet, amidst the splendor, my attention was instantly drawn to two figures standing side by side. Identical in appearance, they mirrored each other's every move. I blinked, hoping to dispel the illusion that played tricks on my eyes. But reality soon settled in, and I realized that they were indeed twins.

The twin Xavius's gazed at me with an enigmatic smile, their eyes holding a glimmer of mischief. It was as if they knew the effect their identical presence had on unsuspecting visitors. Doubt and confusion crept into my mind, leaving me questioning the true nature of these two individuals.
They beckoned me forward, their voices blending in perfect harmony. "Ah, Angel my love, we've been expecting you," they said in unison, their voices echoing through the grand hall. "You seek answers, do you not? We have much to discuss."

The gravity of the situation began to sink in. There was more to these twins than met the eye. They held secrets, secrets that could potentially change the course of my life. With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, I took a hesitant step forward, ready to uncover the truth that lay hidden within the labyrinthine walls of the palace.

And that's what I suddenly woke up ...
I found myself sitting up in bed, my heart racing as the remnants of the dream faded away. The vivid images of the grand palace and the mysterious twins lingered in my mind, leaving me with an unsettling feeling. Was it just a dream, or was there something more to it?

Unable to shake off the sense of urgency, I decided to heed the call of my subconscious and pay Xavius a visit. I knew deep down that there was unfinished business between us, and this dream seemed to be a sign that I couldn't ignore.

The journey to the grand palace was a blur, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of what awaited me. As I approached the towering gates, I couldn't help but notice a change in the air. The once foreboding atmosphere seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a sense of anticipation.

Pushing open the massive entrance, I stepped into a transformed world. That was covered in the royal Lycan guard, surprisingly, I had no trouble entering.
The opulence and grandeur that had once overwhelmed me now felt welcoming and inviting. The halls, still adorned with priceless artifacts and exquisite paintings, seemed to beckon me forward.

As I made my way through the palace, I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. Each room held its own story, its own secrets waiting to be discovered. It was as if the palace itself held a history that intertwined with my own, drawing me deeper into its embrace.

And then, there they were again. The twins. Standing side by side, their identical features now etched into my memory. Their presence sent a shiver down my spine, as if they held the key to unlocking the truth behind my connection to them.

With newfound determination, I approached them, my voice steady despite the questions swirling within me. "Who are you?" I asked, my gaze alternating between the twins. You're identical, I can't tell the difference. So tell me, who the fuck are you? I said pointing to one of the Xavius's.
They exchanged a knowing glance before one of them spoke, their voice carrying a hint of something familiar.

"We are the Luca twins Xavius and Xander" they said in unison. "And we have been waiting for you."
Their words sent a wave of realization crashing over me. The dreams, the curiosity, the guilt... it all led me here, to this moment. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, and I knew that whatever lay ahead would test not only my abilities as a soon to be Lycan but also the very core of who I was.

As the twins led me deeper into the palace, I couldn't help but feel a sense of both excitement and trepidation. The secrets that awaited me were about to be unveiled, and I was ready to confront the truth, no matter the cost. I also knew that when I left the palace today I could be minus a mate..


Third person pov~

As the words hung in the air, Xavius and his brother, with their commanding presence, waited for Angel's response. The room was filled with anticipation, as this union could greatly impact their future.
Caught up in the intense moment, Xavius couldn't help but notice the uncertainty in Angel's eyes. He reached out and gently touched her trembling fingers, understanding their hesitation. "We know you might feel overwhelmed by being chosen by two lycan princes," he said soothingly, his voice calming. "But we want you to know that our intentions are pure."
Xander, always protective, moved closer, radiating a comforting warmth.

"Absolutely," he added sincerely. "We have been waiting for this bond, this connection, for what feels like centuries. Our hearts beat as one, and we will cherish and honor you forever."
Their words were not just empty compliments; they truly meant what they said.

Xavius leaned in, his breath caressing Angel's ear as he whispered, "We understand that fear may still linger within you, but we promise to protect, cherish, and respect you with every fiber of our being. You will never walk alone, for our love will be a fortress that shields you from any harm."

A flicker of hope danced in their mate's eyes, a glimmer of acceptance intertwined with the remnants of doubt. It was a delicate dance, a delicate moment, where the future hung in the balance. But the lycan princes were patient, willing to wait for their mate to find solace in their embrace.

"We are bound by fate," Xander declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "And together, we shall forge a love story that will be sung across generations. Trust in us, for we swear to the goddess that we will be the partners you've been searching for, just as you are ours."

With those words, the room seemed to exhale, a collective sigh of relief, as the weight of uncertainty began to dissipate.

"Sure, let's make a deal. But before we continue, can you please suggest a place where we can talk privately and not be noticed? This matter is very private, and it's really important that no one outside our bond knows about it." Angel said, with a mischievous look in her eyes.

Okay guys I had a little bit of a hard time writing this chapter it was a little bit all over the place so I don't know if we're going to keep it but here it is

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें