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The chapter you're about to read has several disturbing elements. 18+  only.. Contains gore and other shit like the death of a child, that might trigger you so you have been warned.. also I literally made this chapter in like 2 hours so hopefully it's okay😜

Xavius's perspective 

I felt compelled to delve into Mike Weaver's case. If my mate truly sought retribution, I needed to ensure it was warranted; after all, there are often three sides to any story: his, hers, and the truth.

While Xander might have already arranged for his swift and discreet removal by one of our skilled operatives, as royals, we had a reputation to uphold, and it was essential to handle matters with the utmost care and efficiency. I couldn't bear the weight of this on my conscience, so, despite the severity of his transgressions, I knew there was always more to a person's story than meets the eye. Sometimes, things are not as straightforward as they seem.


As I poured over the paperwork my father had obtained at my request, the grim reality of Mike's past unfolded. It was undeniable that he had committed disgustingly heinous crimes against Luna Layla Benson, and many innocent wolves. His wolf had been forcibly taken, his canines brutally extracted, seemingly well deserved and all before he found love and fathered a second and third child. Meaning Angel has siblings.

Yet, the most harrowing revelation was the fate that befell his innocent family. They were senselessly slaughtered by rogue wolves, their lives extinguished in agony as Mike slept peacefully. Subsequently, Mike's gifted another wolf and specific  instructions from the Goddess, marking the settlement of his purported debt—allegedly in the eyes of the divine. The wolf council and royal family are required to accept the divine intervention of the Goddess without any hesitation.

The rules set by the Moon Goddess, Selene, must be followed by all, not just as an act of respect and undying loyalty but also out of fear, for she holds the power to both grant and revoke blessings.
The tragedy of Mike's losses and the haunting specter of his grief permeated the stark details, leaving me grappling with the profound sorrow and injustice that had befallen him. But, what about Angel and Layla? Does the goddess really think he paid his debt to our kind?  But, I guess it doesn't matter, I have to respect it, whether I like it or not.

With Angel's upcoming ascent to royalty, sorting this out became a top priority. I wanted to avoid any doubt or rumors about her intentions. I knew she cared for both of us without caring about titles or wealth. But according to the Goddess, Mike had been given another chance, and I couldn't ignore that. It felt like the universe knew something we didn't. I still thought Mike was a lousy person, but who was I to argue with the moon goddess...
                       ★   FLASH BACK  ★

 Mike Weaver's perspective

I awoke in a cold sweat, the sheets clinging to my skin as if unwilling to let go. A gnawing unease twisted in my gut, and the air felt charged with an ominous energy. Then, piercing through the stillness of the night, came the chilling wail of my son. The sound clawed its way into my consciousness, setting every nerve on edge.

I struggled to push myself upright, but my limbs felt like lead, refusing to obey my frantic commands. Panic surged through me as I fought against the invisible force that held me down. As I finally managed to break free, I crawled towards my wheelchair, painstakingly pulling myself into the seat as quickly as I could manage and then wheeled myself to the source of the anguished cries.

My heart pounded in my chest as I rounded the corner, only to be met with a sight that seared itself into my soul. There, cradled in my wife's lifeless arms, lay our toddler son, his innocent face contorted in terror. The room reeked of metallic tang, and my gaze drifted to my wife's once red radiant locks, now matted with a crimson substance, the room was scattered with broken furniture and paper strewn about. "Mara! Baby, wake up!" I cried out in anguish, tears streaming down my face and staining my cheeks, desperately seeking a reaction from her.

However, there was only silence as I wept for my son, Carlo. I repeatedly shouted for him to wake up, but there was no response. Mara's body and carlo's form lay limp, two macabre puppets in each other's embrace. They were gone, stolen from me in a blink of an eye.
As I tumbled from the chair, my body hit the floor in a jarring heap, and I dragged myself across the cold, unforgiving surface to where my wife lay. With a trembling hand, I rested my head upon her motionless belly, cradling them both in a desperate embrace. It was then, in that moment of despair, that I felt it—a faint, almost nonexistent movement—a tiny kick from the life growing inside her womb.

I lay my hand against her clammy skin only to feel my unborn baby's plea for help once more.
Hope flickered within me, a fragile flame in the darkness. With a surge of determination, I mustered every ounce of strength and crawled, inch by agonizing inch, to the kitchen. My fingers fumbled frantically, searching for the phone, and when I finally found it, I dialed the police with trembling urgency. Even as I spoke to the operator, I knew time was slipping away like sand through my fingers.

The seconds stretched into eternity as I awaited the arrival of help, but deep down, I knew it might not be enough. The unborn child, starved of oxygen, hung in the balance, teetering on the precipice of life and death. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, and the weight of desperation pressed down upon me, threatening to crush my very soul.

Upon searching the kitchen drawer for a sharp object, I came across an exacto knife. Hurriedly, I made my way back to my wife's side, fully aware of what needed to be done. In that moment, a voice resonated within me, instructing me to evacuate the pup immediately. Pup? I wondered, confused, but the thought was dashed away as The Voice guided me in making a small incision near the cervix, located below the belly button and by the pelvic bone. Strangely, this voice seemed familiar and trustworthy, prompting me to follow its guidance.

I proceeded to make the suggested incisions, layer by layer, until I reached the amniotic sac. The events unfolded rapidly, and after carefully severing the umbilical cord, I cradled my fragile baby daughter in my arms for the first time. Once I cleaned and tended to her, an ambulance finally arrived. I had successfully delivered a healthy baby girl, whom I decided to name Pandora.  Mara's body was whisked away Along with Carlo and that was the last time I would touch them both.

I awoke in the hospital the following day, but it was no ordinary medical facility. The familiarity of the surroundings struck me, and I became aware of my heightened senses. To my astonishment, I distinctly heard a voice in my mind introducing itself as Braxton, an Alpha wolf. Braxton disclosed to me that the goddess had granted me a second chance; my debts had been repaid. Braxton revealed that he was my wolf counterpart.

In that very moment, a flood of memories resurfaced, haunting memories of horrific deeds that I had evidently forgotten. And a perfect mate, I had defiled and ultimately rejected. I deserved the pain,  and the ones I treasured paid the debt. Something I will never forgive myself for.
Overwhelmed, I cried out, tormented by the realization of what a rotten person I had been, it seems I would be cursed with this knowledge for the rest of my life. And that was my actual punishment. However, soon after, a sense of tranquility washed over me.

Braxton reassured me that I had been redeemed by the goddess and forgiven for my past transgressions. Furthermore, Braxton revealed that my daughter Pandora would also receive her wolf counterpart on her 18th birthday. He also revealed that if I did right by the goddess that I would again find happiness.

I have also received particular instructions not only from the goddess, but also from the wolf council. Their directive was for me to establish my own pack, known as the Twin Moons Pack, apparently I will be given my own land, completely equipped with a  pack house and all things an Alpha would need. I would start a new pack for other redeemed wolves and choose a new name for myself, I decided on Alpha Cameron McGregor. I adhered to these instructions faithfully, ensuring that I would never again disturb or hurt my other daughter Angel and her family. Although the memory of my estranged daughter still troubles me and causes sleepless nights, my determination to become the most exceptional alpha and father remains steadfast.

                     ★  END OF FLASHBACK  ★

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now