a sisters spat

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Angels perspective ~

As we ventured further into the corridors of the pack house my heart raced with anticipation and wonder. There were no pups playing about or pack members talking in the halls. It was odd. And the entire pack house seemed to have a coldness to it, something I had never felt in my own pack house.

Although Pandora and I continued conversing regularly, I was shocked when, suddenly, a jolt of pain shot through me as I found myself forcefully pinned against the cold, unforgiving wall. A vice-like grip enveloped my throat, cutting off my ability to breathe, and my eyes widened in disbelief as I realized who my attacker was - none other than Pandora, my once-innocent sister, now transformed into a massive claw-wielding bitch.

Her eyes blazed with a fiery intensity as she let out a low menacing growl, an anger so overwhelming it sent shivers down my spine. "What the fuck are you doing here, Angel? What do you want from us? Haven't you taken enough already!" Her voice, once so sweet and gentle, now dripped with menace as her razor-sharp claws dug deeper into my flesh, drawing crimson beads of blood with every squeeze of her claws.

Gasping for air as my eyes watered, and my throat burned as if ablaze, I mustered the courage to speak, my voice a mere whisper in the suffocating silence. "I...I wanted to meet you," I managed to choke out, my head spinning, the all too familiar metallic taste of blood stung my taste buds causing me to gag and gasp for air as I struggled against her unyielding hold, a futile attempt to break free from her merciless grasp.

With a sudden primal surge of adrenaline thanks to my wolf, Athena, I gritted my teeth and summoned every ounce of strength within me to wrench myself free from Pandora's suffocating grip. She was stronger than I had expected. With a little determination, I forced her to the unforgiving ground, kicking her as hard as I could, a growl escaping my lips as I met her enraged gaze head-on.

"Look, you crazy bitch," I seethed, my voice hoarse and trembling with a mix of rage and desperation. "I was trying to extend an olive branch, to understand who you've become, to find a reason not to avenge the sins of your father...but it seems fate has a different path in store. If it's a fight you seek, then so be it. I will not hesitate to extinguish your flame along with his." I spat. I don't back down from anyone, not even my sister.

Pandora rose to her feet, her eyes ablaze with a potent mix of anger and resentment. "You fucked up my one chance with my true mate, Shiloh, by getting entangled with him before I even had a chance to meet him. Even though the pup is no longer in the picture, it still gnaws at me. It's as if I'm fated to inherit your cast-offs, all I have ever wanted was a sense of normalcy and here you go trying to fuck up, my life before it's even started" she hissed, her words a searing blend of injustice and lingering jealousy.

Shaking my head in bewildered disbelief, I surveyed our surroundings, my mind racing with unspoken thoughts. "Do you truly believe this is normal? Yes, we lead a life of comfort, but it's not extravagant; we have our pack to protect and nurture. And if we delve into fairness, well, it seems you all lead a rather privileged existence here too."

Drawing in a deep breath, I locked eyes with her, a steely resolve settling in my gaze. "And when it comes to your father... he is the epitome of malevolence. He preyed upon and tormented my mother, an act that brought me into this world - a constant reminder of his heinous transgressions. My mother unjustly bore the brunt of his cruelty. It's a dark tale, a burden I carry each and every day," I revealed, the weight of my words hanging heavily in the charged atmosphere between us, a truth clamoring to be uncovered.

"Your father inflicted torment upon my mother throughout her high school years, and even after she discovered his true identity as her mate, she gave him a second chance, only to be sexually assaulted not once, but twice. Put yourself in my shoes for just a moment. I understand you've suffered the loss of your mother and your brother, but we still have each other. Shiloh is your mate, and if you truly wish to be with him, then do so. We are all flawed, we all make mistakes - I have forgiven him... and you should consider doing the same."

All the emotions that I had held back for so long poured out, a sense of liberation washed over me, relieving the burden I had carried. I observed a transformation in her demeanor, the hardness melting away from her face along with the angry scowl she had worn all this time. Tears streaked her rosy cheeks, and before I could comprehend what was happening, her arms enveloped me in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry... he's all I have," she sobbed into my arms, her voice heavy with sorrow. "I want you in my life, I'm just so afraid... I don't want to lose everything I have. Please understand, Angel, and forgive me," Pandora pleaded, her words punctuated by sniffles.

As I stood there, a shiver ran down my spine as I sensed a familiar presence lingering behind me. Suddenly, a hauntingly familiar voice broke the silence, "I'm sorry, Pandora. This is entirely my fault. I deceived Angel into believing she was my destined mate before the bond could fully form and her wolf emerged. If revenge is what you are after, let it be directed at me. I deserve it, and I am prepared for your rejection," Shiloh confessed, his words laden with remorse, tears glistening in his eyes.

I could hear Pandora's heart race with conflicting emotions, and I knew how that felt. Instead of recoiling in anger, she found herself propelled by an unseen force, closing the distance between them in a swift, determined stride. Without hesitation, she enveloped Shiloh in a loving embrace, feeling the weight of his sorrow resonate through his trembling frame as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly in a desperate plea for forgiveness and understanding. After they pulled apart, Shiloh looked at me with glassy eyes and Pandora took the hint, "I'll give you guys a moment to speak alone,"she said, rubbing my arms with a cheery smile before walking away swiftly.

Pandora's perspective~

As Angel and Shiloh sauntered down the dimly lit corridor I plotted my next move, a wave of determination washed over me. Angel and Shiloh had crossed a line, and it was time to show them the consequences of meddling with my emotions. So, when I spotted them disappearing around a corner, leaving Angel's coat unattended, an idea sparked in my mind. I slipped on her coat, hoping to mask my scent and execute my plan without detection. With calculated steps, I retraced my path to the office where Xavius, Angel's powerful Lycan prince mate, stood.

Xavius exuded a magnetic aura that drew all she-wolves in, but my intentions were far from innocent. Driven by a mix of desire and revenge, I approached him and enveloped him in a faux embrace. His initial reaction was welcoming, but as he caught a whiff of my lingering scent he realized I wasn't Angel, and that I had used her coat to disguise my scent, his expression twisted into one of repulsion.

"Hi, Xavius," I greeted him, planting a kiss on his cheek. His demeanor shifted instantly as he recoiled, his warning dripping with disdain. "Get your goddamn hands off me. If Angel catches you, she'll tear you apart," he snarled.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his words, relishing in the chaos I had sown. Just in time, as Angel and Shiloh's footsteps echoed down the hallway. I rushed throwing myself into Xavius's arms kissing him once more, in response to our staged encounter, a twisted satisfaction settled within me. With a wicked grin, I removed Angel's coat and handed it back to Xavius, reveling in the aftermath of my devious game.

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