double trouble 9

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Angel pov~

I awoke still resting on Xavius's chest, feeling the warmth of his body and the rise and fall of his breath. I couldn't help but find comfort in his presence, a sense of solace. I sat still cuddled next to him and in silence, the only sound being his soft snores. As the sun began to rise, the sky filled with vibrant colors. I sat up and took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the new day. I slowly got up careful not to wake my mate and stretched before heading to the kitchen for breakfast.

I quietly rummaged through the refrigerator for the ingredients i needed for French toast, something almost everyone loved, you can never go wrong with French toast.
I had Brioche left over from work which is always the best choice. Brioche is a classic French pastry that bakers make into individual buns or loaves. For the best French Toast, use Brioche loaf in thick slices.
This bread is so soft and fluffy, it does the best job soaking the sweet egg mixture. Brioche also has a sweet and buttery flavor, which contributes to the overall flavor of the dish. My mom has always been known for making the best breakfast, something she handed down to me. So this was my chance to make a good impression on my mate..

I prepared the perfectly cooked French toast with a side of bacon, hash browns, and always with maple syrup. I readied my tiny dining room table and was surprised to see my mate was up.

"Good morning beautiful, something smells delicious, I've been sitting here awake waiting for you to finish, I didn't want to ruin your surprise," Xavius said wrapping his arms around me with a soft kiss on my forehead.


I don't think I'd ever seen anyone inhale something so fast, as soon as he saw the breakfast I had prepared he was practically salivating. The food was gone within minutes, he even finished the rest of mine, which made me feel pretty good about myself, that was one thing I knew I was good at.. cooking.

" That was absolutely delicious Angel, I never really got the chance to eat like this, it's usually rushed or made by a cook, this was wonderful, it felt personal ...and it felt like we were a family," Xavius said trailing off as if he knew he was going a little too fast for me.

When he said that I dropped my food, I don't know why, obviously there would be a family in the future.

"However, I was hoping we could wait a while till we have pups considering you haven't marked me or mated me yet, we have a long way to go," I said moving around the leftover food on my plate, attempting to avoid eye contact and seem unbothered by his statement.

"It doesn't take pups to be a family, it just means that I feel that close to you. A family can be two or more people who have made a home together or plan on making a home together, a lot of times you don't even need a home. That person is your home. That's what I meant, I hope you don't take offense, I just really care about you." He said embarrassed or maybe surprised I wasn't into it.

" Well, considering I just lost a pup it may be a while before I can conceive, let alone give you a family, so please try to be patient with me. I want to take it slow, good things never happen when they're rushed." I said as tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"I need to get to work, I'll see you later, I said grabbing his stuff and walking him to the door.

"Angel wait, how do you feel about me?" he questioned with a raised brow.

"I like you a lot, and I'd like to get to know you more, you are my mate and I want to make this work, but rushing things is not the solution. So, please give me my time and I'll see you later." And with that, I slammed the door, Im probably just emotional from grieving or just missing my family, I don't know what it is.

I guess in the back of my mind I knew there was something off about my mate, it had been eating at me ever since I smelled his scent. When I woke up he no longer smelled like a black orchid but now more of a fresh scent, I was reminded of something when I first got a whiff of it but I can't quite remember what it is. Maybe I'm being delusional, but eventually, the truth always comes to light.


Xavius pov

" Hey bro, I saw our mate today, I'm pretty sure I pissed her off real good," I said speaking to my brother Xander.

" Bullshit, I know you stayed the night with her! What did you do now? This is why I don't trust you with her!" Xander scowled, pushing me to the ground.

"Why are you so overprotective? She's my mate too! You've got some serious anger issues, bro. Do you think I want you around Angel, I'm afraid one wrong move and you'll shift on her and your beast will end up marking her without me! I still think we should tell her she has twin mates, we'll be lucky if she doesn't reject us both after all your nonsense. Trading places just makes it worse. This isn't Disney, it doesn't conclude with a happy ending like The Parent Trap! It ends with us losing her forever!" I said angrily, I don't like keeping secrets from my mate, especially secrets of this magnitude.

"I only wanted to keep this from her because she's been through so much trauma already. Can you imagine finding out you have twin mates after you just lost a pup and found out your father wasn't your father? which was your fault by the way! You should have kept your fucking mouth shut!" Xander said holding his hand out to help me up only to kick me back to the ground when I tried to take it.

"I'm going to go see her tonight, I don't know what you fucked up this time but she sounded pissed, so once again I have to go and fix your fucking mess!" Xander said leaving me on the hard gravel, I was always better off just blowing off his outbursts instead of escalating the situation, it would only make it worse, he couldn't control his anger but I could.

The funny thing is he was in for a rude awakening if he thought she wanted to see him, considering she told me to give her space.

My brother and I are identical but our scents aren't and neither are our tempers or mannerisms. Not to mention I'm a hopeless romantic and Xander is serious and very private, when he truly cares for someone he protects them with all of his being and shows his love with small simple gestures, it's not to say he's insensitive or uncaring, he just doesn't like to wear his heart and his sleeve like myself.

Xander would definitely be a better King than myself, I just want to enjoy my mate and live my life. I've never been one for the spotlight or making the hard decisions. Nevertheless, as far as my mate goes she will always be put first and foremost, I just hope that after we tell her the truth she doesn't reject us.


Hello my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter, its got a few crazy elements to it! please please vote and comment and enjoy I love y'all and thank you for everything!!! ❤️💙

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