[ 𝟬𝟭𝟴 ] mistakes are costly

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tw neglect(?), disappearance again, chap basically focuses on mari, mika, and a bit of shu

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tw neglect(?), disappearance again, chap basically focuses on mari, mika, and a bit of shu

⭐️ ⌜ マリちゃん ⌟ ┈─❟


Ema could only look at the paper in her hands in disbelief.


4:55 PM

Mari swings her legs back and forth on the chair as she waits for Ema to arrive to pick her up from the babysitter's club. She has been waiting for almost fifteen minutes now; the last of the children (along with their parents and brothers) have already gone home, but Mari can't help but feel antsy.

It was a good thing that Mika had persisted on staying with her and Usaida or else she would have gotten bored and would do something drastic that not even Usaida can handle.

"Hmm, are you sure that Ema-san will come?" Usaida says in his lax voice, as though worried about upsetting Mari's fragile peace.

"Maybe I should call one of your brothers..."

"Don't worry, Usa-chii," Mari reassures him, "Big sister knows how much I love to wait." But she still can't help feeling a little anxious when they don't see Ema walk through the door at any moment. Her heart starts racing faster and more violently as her eyes begin to water a little.

Mika sees this as he begins to panic as well. His fingers start playing with the buttons of his shirt; a nervous habit he often does when he feels uncomfortable. He clears his throat before trying his hardest to sound soothing. It works somewhat better than usual since it sounds like he is forcing himself to sound calm, "M-maybe I can take you home!"

Usaida raised an eyebrow at the kid, still a bit worried. He knew Mika could handle himself but Mari? Not so much. "Are you sure that would be okay, Mika?"

"W-well ya', it's a great idea!" Mika quickly adds. He then proceeds to jump out of his seat to grab Mari by the hand and pull her to stand up. Once she gets off of her seat, he grabs onto her bag and the two of them head towards the front door. "I-I promise ya that I would keep her safe, Usaida-san!" He insists, his voice turning desperate at the thought of losing Mari. "I'm sure she won't get into any trouble since I'm there!"

Usaida merely sweatdrops. No, I'm sure she could drag you into one. He could only smile at the kid, nodding. "Alright. You know best, Mika. Please, just be careful."

"Yessir!" The kid replies as he leads Mari out of the school and down the street. He stops walking after they reach the end of the block and takes a quick look around in both directions, making sure no one is around. When he deems no one is, he continues to hold her hand until he reaches a convenient alleyway. He lets go of her hand and pulls her close into an embrace.

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