seven ♬

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Days turned into nights, then weeks. February rolled around quicker than expected, still bringing a cold wintry chill with it. Valentine's day was right around the corner, signalling the first round of our exams.

During my study periods, I spent my time with Jeonghan, Joshua and Mingyu. Joshua helped me with English whilst I helped Jeonghan with fine arts. Mingyu was a secret ace at Korean Lit, but only provided help once we bought him chocolate milk. With the four of us efficiently working together, we managed to cover 98% of all the topics we were expected to revise. The remaining 2%, well let's just pray that that's not on the test.

When I wasn't studying during my free time, I was in the studio with Seokmin and Seungkwan. These past couple weeks, I ate lunch with them everyday and slowly grew closer to Seungkwan in the process. He's actually quite nice and funny when he wants to be, but despite that he has his sassy moments. Must be the influence of growing up with two older sisters. Vernon remained his chill self, breaking out of his shell every so often to take a jab at Seungkwan.

Even so, the person I seemed to be spending the most time with was Seokmin. Whether I was getting a drink or walking to my next class, he was always just around engaging in conversation with me. I thought it would be weird but I felt comfortable. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who was as energetic as him. You just get drawn in, you know? Having a friend like him is enjoyable.

Never a dull day.

One mystery that is yet to be solved is the case of the night practicer. Almost every night without fail, somebody has been leaving the dorms to practice well into the night. I tried a stakeout once with Mingyu to find out who it was but we were both too tired and ended up falling asleep.

Regarding the rest of the trainees, Seungcheol and Jihoon were constantly busy working alongside the staff and JJ and Bo-ri were often in their own world. After not seeing each other since Elementary, there must be a lot of catching up to do. Occasionally, I saw Minghao and Jun practicing their Korean in one of the spare rooms. They'd smile and wave at me, then continue learning. Every now and again, Soonyoung would show me a new dance move he learned or show off a hidden talent he had to try and impress.

The only two people I barely interacted with were Wonwoo and Chan. It was understandable, as they were on the opposite side of the schedule from me. Any chances I had to speak to them were in between classes but those were times where I got swept up in Seungkwan's latest gossip or Seokmin's daily fun facts.

So todays mission was to talk to them. It's Saturday morning, just five days before I sit the test. It's supposed to be a study period right now but my go to study buddies left the building to go to a nearby café. They didn't mention when they'd be back, however keeping in mind that a free period is next, I don't think they'll be back any time soon.

I wandered around the corridors seeking them out.

Not in the practice room.

Not in the canteen.

Not in the boys dorms.

Where were they? I checked endlessly down each and every hallway to no avail. In the end, I found them bundled up on the couch in the common room. They were watching a football game on the TV screen. Their eyes shot up to me when I entered the room.

"Oh hey Chae-ri!" Chan squealed happily before shifting over and creating a space for me to sit down. Wonwoo gave an inviting smile as I took a seat.

"We haven't spoken much yet," Wonwoo spoke softly.

"That's true!" Chan exclaimed

"We spoke to JJ and Bo-ri so much I almost forgot there was a third girl training with us!"

I laughed at his statement. He was very hyper, whereas Wonwoo was quieter. His youth and childishness was very prominent, almost overflowing. It made me want to become a child again.

The three of us talked about some things to get to know eachother, when suddenly the topic of family came up.

"I have a younger brother," Wonwoo chipped in, a fond smile growing on his face.

"Oh oh me too! I have a younger brother too!" Chan jumped excitedly.

"I know that Chan," Wonwoo ruffled the boys' hair and then asked,

"What about you Chae-ri, any siblings?"

"No," I replied

"Just me and my mum."

"No dad?" Chan asked with a shocked expression. That earned him a kick and stare from Wonwoo.

"That's right Chan, no dad," I cracked up at his reaction in an attempt to lighten the mood.

It's not that I never had a dad, he was just gone before I knew it. There are very few memories that I have of him; to me he's like a ghost. I only know as much as the stories I'm told.

Which is nothing.

"Your mum must be like your best friend," Chan started,

"I mean you guys must be super close-"

"You would think that wouldn't you," I interrupted with a resentful edge in my voice as I stared out in front of me. My comment caused them to give me a confused look. I cleared my throat before picking up again.

"Me and my mum aren't as close as you think, that's all," I tried to reassure. They took the hint and changed the subject. For another hour or so, we finished watching the football game and cheered when the team we were rooting for won. Afterwards, it was lunchtime and I made my way over to my usual seat.

As I passed by the second table, I walked in to Jeonghan who was returning from his café excursion. The look on his face told me he needed to say something.

"Chae-ri," He caught hold of my shoulder,

"Young-pil hyung- I mean one of the staffs were looking for you. He said it was urgent."

He looked at me with worried eyes. His eyebrows were tensed up, vertical wrinkles in between them.

"Relax," I comforted him.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Where is he?"

Jeonghan led me to the staff room where a tall man with black hair was pacing back and forth. He looked up when we entered. The man thanked Jeonghan for retrieving me before seeing him off. It was now just the two of us. I don't know why, but I felt a pit of dread in the bottom of my stomach.

"Chae-ri, we got a call," The man began.

"It's your mum."

"She's in hospital."

The feeling of dread I harboured before disappeared, immediately concocting itself into pure rage.

I can't believe she's done it again.

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now