forty two ♬

321 17 0

hey guys!
im sooo sorry for the delayed update ;(
school assignments and exams am i right?
but hopefully it won't be too long before i can regularly update this story!
until then i'll try my best 😓
enjoy <3


"Has everyone got everything they need?"

Today marked our departure for the infamous Jeju holiday, which had nearly every trainee bursting with excitement. In light of her recent actions, Bo-ri of course would not be joining us - clearly the highlight of the whole trip, if you ask me.

There was at least an hour before boarding started, so everyone dispersed throughout the airport in attempts to fill the boredom of waiting.

Outside the gate's waiting area, Seungkwan was stocking up on snacks for the flight. His basket was filled to the brim with large packets of crips and snack bars; it was unlikely that he'd be able to eat them all himself.

"Wow - someone is prepared for this 1 hour flight," I joked, casually strolling over to the boy. "Worried you'll get hungry?"

"Laugh at me now," He dismissed, retrieving a chocolate bar from the shelf. "But don't come running to me when you're starving, and the only thing the flight attendant gave you was a small bag of peanuts."

"Yes mother," I teased, chatting with him for some time before finding something else to kill the time.

Minghao was curled up in the corner of a bookstore, heavily engrossed into whatever he was reading. The cover was light blue, containing a painting of a cat on the front.

"What are you reading?" I asked, sidling up to him on the beanbag chair.

"Some story about mystical cats that can shape-shift into humans once they have achieved their destiny," He shrugged, dismissively shutting it and placing it to the side. "I'm more interested in what you're going to do once we reach the island. A little birdie tells me that you plan on confessing."

"Seungkwan's such a little shit! I can't believe he blabbed!" I uttered, hiding my face in embarrassment.

"Actually, Vernon accidentally let it slip when I spoke to him on the bus journey here," Minghao chuckled. "So, Seokmin's got you feeling some type of way, huh?"

"Shut it!" I gasped, playfully thudding his shoulder. "He's a good guy with a good heart, that's all."

"Really? You don't want to do this to him?" Minghao began miming kissing someone, shocking me greatly - he truly is a menace.

In response, I pushed him away to make him stop but he grabbed me on his way down. The two of us fell on top of each other on the floor, rolling around in fits of laughter. The noise alarmed the other people in the store, eventually leading to us getting escorted out of the place.

I told Minghao that I'd catch up with him later, leaving him to go find someone else to bother.

Outside one of the many cafes in the area, I found Mingyu wandering about like a lost puppy. Seems as though he had been abandoned by his partners in crime, Joshua and Jeonghan, and was in need of some company.

"Beanpole!" I shouted, running up behind him and ruffling his hair.

His face softened upon seeing me, his body relaxing.

"Am I glad to see you!" Mingyu happily exclaimed, lifting me in a hug and spinning me around.
Some people gave us strange looks, but they hurriedly along without making any further eye contact.

"I hear you're in the running to be Seokmin's girlfriend," He continued, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at me.

"Is it actually impossible for any of you to keep a secret?" I sighed, shaking my head disappointedly. "And if you must know - there isn't any labelling yet, just............feelings."

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now