forty ♬

333 21 2

From what I estimated, there was at least a dozen photos covering the practice room interior.

My undressed body in the swimming pool changing rooms was on display for all to see.

Seungkwan and Seokmin were in the process of tearing down the images when I stopped short of the doorway. Many tried averting their eyes, respectfully looking away from the indecent pictures and distracting themselves with trivial conversation.

"It's seems sunny today," Minghao awkwardly stated, doing his best to lighten the mood.

"The news said it might rain later," Joshua nervously chuckled. "I sure hope it doesn't though."

Attempting to shield me from the harsh reality, Jeonghan rushed over immediately and engulfed me in a tight hug. I was far too defeated and distressed to shrug him off, so I accepted his consolation.

But the damage had been done.

"This is despicable behaviour," Mingyu shook his head disgustedly. "I understand the rivalry, but this has gone too far."

"Stuff like this is illegal, right?" Jihoon asked. "Bo-ri could get kicked out of the company. Or worse; go to jail."

"I never imagined it would come to this," Jun was shocked, almost in disbelief. "It's one thing to dislike someone, but sharing photos like these for everyone to see? I couldn't forgive that."

After destroying the final one, Seokmin clocked where I was and came over. I broke away from Jeonghan's grip and melted into his arms. Instinctively, he hugged me back, gently stroking my hair as I buried my face into his shoulder.

"You're okay," He soothed, calming my fury that was bubbling inside. "I've got you. It's alright."

Nobody questioned us as we stood there embracing each other. Hushed whispers traversed across the room, debating how to go forwards from this incident. Moments passed, before I decided I want going to sit by and let her get away.

Not with this.

"I'm going to kill her!" I shrieked, pulling away and blind with rage.

"Death would be too kind," Seungkwan shot back, a hardened look on his face. "She needs to know what it's like to have your dignity stripped from you by force. I vote that we shave her head monk style."

"Kwan!" Vernon exclaimed, hitting the boy's arm. "We are not doing that!"

"Why not? It's a perfectly plausible plan," He responded, nonchalantly. "Maybe we could shave her eyebrows off too to match."

"Where is she?" I harshly interrogated the boys. "Tell me where she is."

"Chae-ri, you're in no state to see her right now," Seungcheol stepped in front me, guarding the others from my anger. "Young-pil and all the staffs are dealing with it, so please get a hold of yourself before you do something you'll regret."

Young-pil? That means she's in the staff room.

"I'm getting out of here," I mumbled, heading for the exit. "Feels like I can't breathe in this room."

Majority of them leaped out of the way, clearing the path as they were afraid of what I'd do if they didn't. However, as soon I started to walk towards the door, Jeonghan grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Did you actually hear a word that Seungcheol said?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" I snapped at him. "Haven't you hurt me enough already? Now's the time you want to pretend like you care?"

A regretful and pained expression glossed over Jeonghan's face as he loosened his hold on my wrist.

"At least...... let me come with you," Jeonghan sighed, his tired eyes pleading with mine.

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora