twenty one ♬

329 13 1

Chae-ri POV

Shooting ensued from the morning all the way through to dusk. I hadn't anticipated how long it would take, nor how many takes it took before the perfect cut. It made me think about other shows and how many times they had to reshoot their scenes. This was just tiring, and I'm not sure how much longer I had before my vocal chords gave out on me.

"And cut!" A producer yelled. "That's a wrap!"

"This feels like we are on a movie set," Kae-soo nudged my shoulder as we walked over and put our headphones away.

"It does, doesn't it?" Rae-ha chimed in, falling into rhythm with our step.

The final rankings from the challenge were: Kang Paris in first, Me in close second, Kae-soo somehow in third, On-ja placing fourth, Joo coming fifth, Rae-seo and Rae-ha joint sixth and lastly, Na-young finishing at the bottom. It was obvious that Na-young would be eliminated, not only because she lost but also because many pd's were whispering about how she was voted as the least favourite by the audience. Poor girl.

Once I finally reached my hotel room, I waved goodbye to the girls and opened my phone to receive a flurry of messages from Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Soonyoung and Seokmin.

bxtch from hwaseong

you will not believe what happened

there's an argument between the group

and shua called me a problem

I mean seriously, a problem?

I'll show him problem smh

anyways, how's shooting going?

sent 3:57

His messages were sent around 4 hours ago. There was an argument? I checked the time, seeing that it was almost 8pm, and that they were due to perform their dance for the test any minute now. It worried me a little that they fought and how it might impact them. I quickly typed a good luck message.


shooting was fine👍

tell me everything later, ok?

and good luck hannie! you'll smash the test!

sent 7:53

The message was marked as read after a few seconds of it being sent. He must be too busy to respond. Seungkwan's message was next.


chan is a dead man

istg I will teach that kid lessons he will never forget

btw there was a falling out

and I wish you were here because I know you would've beaten all their asses


sent 4:01

Dramatic much, Boo Seungkwan? I laughed at him and replied.


kwan I love you but please don't kill anyone, especially not chan he's just a baby

spill everything after the performance and do not leave out ANY details

and miss you too

the girls here don't have your level of sass or dramatics, so shits kinda boring

sent 7:55

He responded almost immediately, making me smile.


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