forty one ♬

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"Let me get this straight - you think you're in love with Seokmin and you decided to come to us for advice?" Seungkwan quizzically asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Dude we are the last people to ask about dating," Vernon chuckled.

"I just don't know what to do!" I let out an exasperated sigh. "He's always on my mind no matter what I think about, and every time I see him I feel a deep sense of relief and ease - like I'm finally complete."

"Ok that was corny as hell," Vernon commented, stifling his laugh. "But what do you want us to do about it? It's not like we have much experience in that department."

"Step aside! Dr Boo is ready to take on this case!" Seungkwan announced proudly.

"Did you actually just refer to yourself in the third person?" Vernon was dumbfounded. "And what do you know about dating? You've never even had a girlfriend."

"Vernon - I grew up with two sisters," Seungkwan pressed his finger to the boy's lips, shushing him. "Dealing with boy problems is virtually second nature at this point. Now, let me have my moment."

Backing away, Vernon let Seungkwan take control.

"Ok Chae-ri - spill it."

After explaining the whole epic romance saga from start to finish, Seungkwan leaned against the door frame of my room pensively. He looked deep in thought, as if he was concentrating hard.

"It's seems to me that you have a classic case of First Love Syndrome," He stated, pleased with his conclusion.

"First Love Syndrome?" I repeated, confused as to what he was referring to.

"That's not a thing Kwan," Vernon chimed in, fiddling with my alarm on my desk. "No such illness exists."

"Quiet! I'm making my diagnosis," Seungkwan dismissed. "You clearly harbour strong feelings for Seokmin and care for him greatly."

"So what should I do?" I asked him, eager to find a solution.

"There's only one cure for this kind of thing," He said. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"What is it?"

Bracing himself, Seungkwan took a dramatic deep breath before answering.


From across the room, Vernon cackled with laughter and collapsed into a heap of giggles on the floor.

"That's the best you could come up with?" Vernon mocked, wiping a tear from his cheek. "Seungkwan - even I could've thought of that."

"You're really ruining my vibe here Vernon," Seungkwan sulked, ignoring him and focusing on me instead. "Look, the only way to get past how you feel is by telling him. The worst that can happen is that he rejects you."

"But I would rather die than get rejected," I blurted a little too honestly, earning a judgmental look from Seungkwan.

"Ok - we are going to need to work on that," He responded, joining me on my bed. "Lucky for you, I know for a fact that Seokmin likes you so you have nothing to worry about."

"Seriously? Did he say that?" I asked, smiling to myself.

"Poor guy's not very subtle," Vernon sat on the other side of me. "And he admitted it to Soonyoung - we all know Soonyoung can't keep a secret to save his life."

"My suggestion is that you tell Seokmin during Soonyoung and Jun's birthday getaway," Seungkwan proposed. "It's the perfect opportunity."

"I'm sorry - birthday getaway?" I inquired, feeling out of the loop.

"You don't know?" Vernon appeared shocked, nearly offended.

"Every year, us trainees are blessed with the opportunity to go to Jeju island for the weekend in June. It's exclusively the one holiday we receive - apart from Christmas," Seungkwan explained. "Since Soonyoung and Jun's birthdays are pretty much around that time, we call it their birthday getaway. I can't believe no one told you!"

"And here I thought I knew everything about this place," I joked. "So we go to Jeju and I reveal that I'm in love with him - that's your big plan?"

"I don't see the two of you coming up with any better ideas," Seungkwan pouted, turning his back on me.

"Now that this whole thing is sorted," Vernon put forth, standing up. "Can I please go to the toilet? I've needed to pee since we got here."

"You know nobody is holding you hostage, right?" I laughed. "You could've left whenever you wanted."

"Yeah but I felt obliged to stay and see it through to the end. And with that, I'll see you guys later!"

Vernon quickly speed walked out of the room, hurriedly making his way down the hall.

Seungkwan was still sulking by the wall, so I decided to change the topic of conversation.

"Don't tell me you're still plotting your diabolical revenge plan on Bo-ri," I teased the boy, who finally spun back around to face me.

"She could be bald by tomorrow - just like that," He said, snapping his fingers. "All you need to do is say the words and I'll make it happen."

"Please - that would be stooping down to her level," I giggled at his loyalty to me, and hatred for Bo-ri. "We are both better than that."

"Hey, Chae-ri," Seungkwan's tone suddenly became softer. "How are you doing with that, by the way? It can't be easy knowing what she did."

"I can't talk about it Kwan," I sighed, lying back on my bed. "Because if I talk about it, then I have to remember - and I just want to forget that it ever happened. Bo-ri made her choices, and I've made mine."

"I hope you won't let it eat away at you in silence," He replied, lying next to me and staring up at the ceiling. "I'm always here for you, you know? You can tell me anything, and I'll always be on your side. I'll even beat up people if I have to."

"You're too good to me," I smiled. "Why? I don't deserve it."

"Because we're best friends Chae-ri," Seungkwan said. "Like Cher and Dionne from Clueless or Janis and Damien from Means Girls. We're in it for the long run Ri, so better get used to me."

The two of us lay there for a moment, appreciating the sentiments before Seungkwan dove into his latest gossip that he was dying to share. We spoke for nearly an hour, when we really should've been studying, but I was too immersed into his storytelling that it totally slipped my mind.

Maybe I've said it before, but it deserves to be repeated.

Everyone needs a Seungkwan in their life.

And now, with no more Bo-ri trying to ruin my life, I have a new mission to complete.

Operation Kwanfession : A Jeju Romance.

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora