forty five ♬

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stay safe and take care my loves xoxo


The lights had been out for approximately 20 seconds so far, and all hell had broken loose. Bodies clambered over each other and drinks spilled messily on the floor, as chaos erupted within the cabin.

"We are all gonna die!" A voice that sounded awfully like Jihoon screeched.

"I want my mum!" Someone who I assumed was Mingyu cried helplessly.

In the darkness, I suddenly felt someone's hand snaking their way around my arm and pulling me towards them. Reacting almost instantly, I yanked myself away and smacked the perpetrator over the head.

"Oh I am not getting kidnapped today!" I shouted, causing a commotion and garnering attention from the boys nearby.

"They got Chae-ri!" I heard Seungkwan sob, scrambling around the blackness in attempts to find me. "Where are you, Ri? I'll save you!"

"Ouch! It's me - Soonyoung!" The person who grabbed me earlier whispered, as shock and relief washed over me.

"Kwon Soonyoung - is that you I hear?" Seungcheol bellowed, his voice a vicious growl. "If I find out that you're the one behind this, I swear to god-"

"Yeah, this game isn't fun anymore - let's bounce!" There wasn't even a moment to breathe before Soonyoung darted away, tugging me along with him. The two of us clumsily outran Seungcheol's furious grasp, almost slamming headfirst into the staircase.

Fumbling around with his hand on the wall, Soonyoung quickly found the light switch and turned it back on, revealing the most hysterical sight.

Jihoon was rocking in a ball muttering to himself, Seungkwan and Mingyu were bawling like babies whilst Jeonghan had jumped into Joshua's arms for protection. On the other side of the room, I saw that Wonwoo and JJ had crawled away in order to escape, Minghao was trying his best to comfort a severely distraught Chan and Vernon had just straight up closed his eyes and pretended like nothing was wrong. Lastly, Seungcheol looked like he was fighting the air until his anger filled eyes landed on us, whereas Jun - of course it was Jun - was laughing like a maniac on the couch.

And then there was Seokmin - my precious Seokmin, desperately rushing around the room in search of me. Once he realised that I was fine, his gaze softened and I could see his tense frame visibly relax.

"YOU. ARE. DEAD!" Seungcheol screamed, and both of us sprinted up the stairs like our lives depended on it all the way to Soonyoung's room. As we got inside, he locked the door behind us; which was smart, because as suspected, the crowd had followed us and were now banging incessantly on the door.

"Talk about a memorable first night!" Soonyoung joked, collapsing onto the bottom bunk which was presumably his.

"What the heck dude!" I scolded, throwing a pillow from the other bed at him - which he annoyingly caught just before it hit his face. "You scared the shit out of me!"

After realising that they weren't getting in the room anytime soon, the others retreated downstairs and resumed the party - slightly rattled.

"Pretty good prank, right?" He nodded over to me, seeking my approval. "Too bad that everyone freaked out, and that Seungcheol got angry - yeah, I'm not going to enjoy the lecture he's going to give me later."

"Shua said you were asleep!"

"I was asleep," Soonyoung explained. "Then I woke up, and saw you guys having fun without me. That's when I decided to have a little fun of my own - except I obviously didn't expect it spiral like that."

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now