thirty seven ♬

364 17 3

"So, whatever you think I said-"

Seokmin didn't bother giving me time to refute whatever was going to be thrown at me. Instead, he shoved his phone harshly in my face.

"Read them."

It was less of an offer, more of a demand. His cold stare made me feel uneasy.

"Seokmin, please-"

"I said read them."

Without wanting to infuriate him further, I carefully extracted the phone from his grip and brought to close.

I heard you like someone
sent 2:56

who told you that?
I like everyone :D
sent 2:57

if it's me then i have to immediately refuse
sent 2:57

sent 2:58

don't you get it?
you disgust me seokmin
sent 2:59

What did I do?
Did I do something wrong?
sent 3:00

everyone here thinks you're so pure and innocent
but you are far from it
sent 3:00

Chae-ri what's going on
Tell me what I did so I can fix this
sent 3:01

fix what seokmin?
our friendship?
like how you "fixed" your friendship with paris?
sent 3:01

Why did you bring her up?
sent 3:02

you used her seokmin
you made her believe that you loved her
you were never the victim
she was
sent 3:02

You know what happened
You know how hard it was for me
Why are you doing this?
sent 3:03

you deserved all the horrible things that happened to you
because it was your fault
you shouldn't have made her feel special if she wasn't
sent 3:04

sent 3:04

lost for words?
you know i am right
seokmin, you didn't run away because of what paris did
you ran because you are a manipulative, lying piece of shit
that strings girls along
then blames them
sent 3:05

Speechless, my expression grew horrified with each text that I read.

Whoever took my phone didn't just do it for fun; they're out for blood. And they don't care whose they have to spill to get to me.

"Seokmin," I proceeded gently, "This wasn't me who did this, okay? My phone has been missing this whole day - you can ask Joshua or Wonwoo, they'll vouch for me."

"That's the best excuse you can come up with? A lost phone?" He snapped, roughly snatching his from my trembling hands.

"You have to believe me, I-"

"I trusted you!" Seokmin hissed, looking at me with hateful eyes. "You were the one person I told about her. You knew about how difficult it was for me and yet you threw it all in my face!"

"That's not true!" I shot back defensively. "JJ knew! So did Seungkwan, Soonyoung, Jeonghan-"

"They would never do this to me," He seethed, his fists balling my his sides.

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now