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I made my way alone, to my first lecture, sat alone too. Nabi and Chaeyoung were in completely different classes.

To my surprise though, Ji-eun was present, and I made sure to sit away from her. She was sat with her own clique of friends anyways.

Did they just pick the subjects she was doing too?

What a sad way to live.

I sighed, spinning my pen around my fingers as I waited for the lecture to start, it was pretty boring this part. Just waiting, I was so excited and anticipating this moment, my first college lesson - but now that I'm actually here, it's actually pretty monotonous and boring.

Not the romanticised life like I expected.

I was counting down the minutes basically, till the lecture started, a few people entered, but I paid no attention whatsoever to them, just continued spinning my pen and checking the time every 5 seconds.

A figure suddenly sat beside me, cutting me out of my boredom.

I swear if it's Sunghoon.

I looked up.

It's Sunghoon.

I pressed my lips together, staring at him deadly serious as I noticed a good few heads turn, staring at whatever was going on between us.

"You are not serious right no-" I fighting the urge to argue with him right here, right now.

"Oh I am so serious." He cut me off, with such a proud smirk it was unbelievable. He leant back in his seat, and manspread, despite how good he looked, I couldn't believe his audacity.

His musky, manly cologne wavered all up in my space, all I could smell was him at this point.

During the lecture itself, he was simply purposefully annoying, this guy was actually unbelievable. Like, no matter what it was, he'd find a way to be annoying - simply put.

I couldn't even be mad at him for some reason, I just laughed it off.

After this lecture, I had nothing else, until the evening, then I could head back to the dorms.

I stood up, as the bell went. Sunghoon would not leave me the hell alone. Through the corridors, he walked beside me, being himself, and bringing up random ass topics.

"Do you have attachment issues or something?" I stopped, looking up at him and actually wondering what he wanted from me.

"Yeah, big time, anyways, do you think that if th-" He gave a huge grin as he said that, but then was cut off by Chaeyoung, running straight to me.

"Seoyeon!!" She engulfed me in a tight hug, and then fixed her posture, "woah.. and.. Sunghoon." She cleared her throat, looking to the ground and back up.

"Hey...?" Sunghoon looked at Chaeyoung's face, "Oh, you're the girl who wrote my name down in your phone.. right?"

Chaeyoung's face flushed a tint of red, she was silently cursing at herself under her breath, and I simply smiled at her cuteness.

"Aha... Yun Chaeyoung.. nice meeting you.." She still held her head slightly directed downwards. Poor girl was so embarrassed, Sunghoon found this amusing.

I found this time to escape, let them distract each other while I snuck away. I managed to succeed, heading to my dorm and actually unlocking it.

I felt so proud walking into my own dorm that I had unlocked, myself.

"Where'd you go yesterday?" Ji-eun suddenly walked into the main room, staring at me for an answer as she touched up her makeup.

I swallowed hard, okay, now I either lie, or tell her the truth. Which one would seem better in this situation?

"I stayed with my friend, I locked myself out of the room." I lied to her, it seemed very convincing, and she didn't seem bright enough to see through my lies.

"Oh, how come Sunghoon came with you?" She asked me, believing my answer previously.

"He asked me if you were in my dorm, so I said yeah, and guided him along." I quickly made up, a smile raised up onto her face, and I realised how bad that sounded right after I said it.

Now it looks like Sunghoon has a thing for Ji-eun. I mean, maybe he does, I don't know. But it doesn't seem like he does.

I let out a small grimace, then covered it with an uneasy smile as I looked at Ji-eun's bright beam, so impressed with herself that she started twirling her own hair.

God, this was going to be a terrible year.

p.sunghoon → jasmineWhere stories live. Discover now