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Instead of torturing myself with staying in this frustrating dorm for any longer, I arranged plans with Nabi. I had been updating her on random, irritating shit that occasionally happened in the dorm rooms.

Never with Sunghoon, always with Chaeyoung.

I changed rather quickly, and without even a word to Sunghoon, made my way out of the dorm room. And best believe, I slammed the door hard behind me.

I met up with Nabi in a nearby cafe, we were just sat down, sipping on our drinks at first, til I gently slammed my hand on the table.

"I swear to fucking god, everything is disappearing." I looked at Nabi, eyes burning through her body.

Nabi's jaw clenched, her lips slightly pouted as she sympathised with my annoyance.

"I'm gonna tell you now, it's definitely Chaeyoung. Like, why would Sunghoon need any of your stuff? Literally who else could it be." She crossed her arms, rolling her eyes.

"I checked in her room, nothing, zero. It's like someone fucking broke into the dorm and only raided my room." I groaned, taking another frustrated sip of my drink.

"Ah, this is gonna drive me insane, and I'm not even the one who's getting stolen from." Nabi smacked her lips together, looking around and thinking.

"My favourite perfume, gone. And that shit was expensive too you know." I rolled my eyes, "My makeup too, some of it literally just wiped off the face of earth." The edges of my lip curled, just thinking about my missing things.

"I'm sorry but it's one hundred percent Chaeyoung." Nabi came to the exact same conclusion as I had ages ago, "Let's see, how can we even prove this. Hey, smell her."

I shot my head to look at Nabi, a disgusted look protruding on my face.

"You're fucking insane." I scoffed, shaking my head lightly, "I refuse to even be around her alone."

"Pfft, fair enough. Her ass is annoying anyways." Nabi flicked her hair behind her shoulder, "I bet she's gonna pull up with bangs sometime soon, just like you."

I looked at her, giving a small chuckle followed by a large sigh. It sucked when you knew who the culprit was, but just didn't have any evidence to back the claims.

"I will laugh if she does." I rubbed my face, annoyance still settling through my body. I was not in the mood for anything at all today.

"Wow, why do I feel like you're about to flip the table on me?" Nabi stared at me, unsure whether she should've worn some sort of armour today, "Are you going feral at Sunghoon too..? Or..?"

"Everyone is on thin ice today." I snapped at Nabi, glaring at her with sharp eyes, "Goddamn it, Sunghoon was talking about 'I could just rebuy everything', yeah? And how many times will I have to rebuy all my shit?" I rant to her, in a very agitated and spiteful tone.

Nabi pressed her lips together, staring at me blankly and a little intimidated.

"Alright." Nabi smacked both hands on the table, "I'm gonna go fucking talk to that bitch Chaeyoung, where that hoe at?" She stood up, heading out as I followed behind.

We walked in the direction of the campus again, and as we reached the entrance, Nabi nudged me, looking over into one of the hallways.

I looked over, wondering what she was on about.

Chaeyoung was stood there, laughing and playfully slapping Sunghoon on the arm while stood with his friends. Not only that, she was in a shirt, a shirt that belonged to me.

I poked my cheek with my tongue, literal words wouldn't even come out of my mouth. Nabi slowly avert her gaze, staring at me with quite a concerned look.

I took a deep inhale, swallowing the anger and bitterness down my throat.

"Hey.. Seoyeon.. isn't that your shirt..?" Nabi's voice slightly quivered, she knew she was skating on the thinnest ice possible right now.

"I'm going to set that motherfucker's room on fire." I spat through my teeth, heading the opposite way and in the direction of the dorms.

No fucking way was she openly wearing my shirt, flirting with my boyfriend, all behind my back. Oh my god, I'm gonna have to keep both Sunghoon, and Chaeyoung on a leash.

As I walked quickly towards my dorm, Nabi looked at me uneasily.

"Why is Sunghoon allowing this though.." Her words made my pace slow down, and I looked at her, pressing my lips into a thin line.

"I swear to god that guy is friendlier than Barney the fucking purple bear." I could just feel the anger bubbling, coursing through my veins.

"Wasn't Barney a dinosaur?" Nabi added, then realising she shouldn't of said anything.

I looked at her, a deathly glare coming her way from me.

"Do you want your room to be set on fire too?"

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