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After buying our stuff, Nabi and I made our way back to Sunghoon's dorm, where everybody else was. It was going to be so awkward for me now.

As soon as we entered his dorm, Sunghoon looked over at me, a small smirk appearing on his face. He looked away, talking with Chaeyoung and Jungwon.

I leant on the sofa, looking at them all, while Nabi stood beside me.

"So, what's in those bags?" Sunghoon inquired, looking right at me with a devilish look printed on his face.

"Nothing for you." I replied, in the same sneering tone as he did. He raised his eyebrows as if he didn't believe me. Okay sure, maybe it was for Sunghoon in a way.


On the night of the party, me Nabi, and Ji-eun were in our dorms for a change. I changed into my outfit, Nabi into hers, and Ji-eun into hers.

Ji-eun was actually nicer than I thought, she wasn't as obsessed over Sunghoon as Chaeyoung was, at least. Ji-eun had left waaay earlier than us, obviously, since the party was at hers.

"You guys ready?" Nabi stared at my outfit, for a little too long. I had to move in order to snap her out of her stare.

"Mhmm." I said, and after that, we made our way out to Ji-eun's parent's house.

The shoes I was wearing were pretty heavy, white heeled boots, very long and were fur lined. (( YALL IF YOU'VE EVER SEEN THE DEMONIA CAMEL 311S those r the shoes im literally referencing )) It was a pretty big inconvenience to lace them up and whatever, and walking in them wasn't the easiest at first, but they looked so damn cute with my outfit.

We hopped out of the uber, heading to Ji-eun's house and entering. Already, there were alot of people. Damn, word got about pretty fast I guess.

Her house was rather big, and even had a minibar. I was pretty impressed over this.

I wasn't planning on drinking as soon as I got here, I think it'd be sensible to wait to get wasted. Like I said earlier, I was here to get wasted and end up with a guy, maybe even two in my bed. I'm kidding, partially.

"Where's that fine man at?" Nabi looked around, scanning the dim area, only illuminated by flickering colourful lights. She was referring to Heeseung.

"I wonder what the guys are gonna dress as." I chuckled, trying to think of an outfit they'd dress up in.

"Don't lie, you only wanna see what Sunghoon is wearing, maybe even what he's wearing underneath." Nabi nudged me with a huge grin on her face. I stared at her, trying to be serious, but the edges of my lips curved up. She knew me too well.

More and more people flooded in as time passed, and like two hours later, I finally granted myself alcohol. I made my way to the minibar, feeling hot, both physically and temperature-wise too. I took a few shots, talking to some girl sat beside me.

I didn't see Sunghoon yet, I know Heeseung, Jay and all his other friends were here, but I have no idea where Sunghoon was.

"One of my old high-school classmate is here, oh my god, he looks so good." She told me, looking as if she was about to start drooling.

"Who?" I asked, as if I'd know anyone anyways. I took another shot.

"Park Sunghoon, you probably know him." She uttered, I choked on the alcohol, having to swallow the bitter ass liquid down my throat. It burned down my throat, and I coughed quietly trying to stop myself from choking.

"Sunghoon? He's here?" I looked at her as if I didn't just almost die in front of her.

"Oh yes. Him and Heeseung? Dressed up as matching vampires, I wouldn't even mind taking both of them home." She grinned, winking at me.

"Ahaaaa, yeah." I awkwardly laughed, taking a cocktail from the bar and casually moving away from her. Sorry girl, but I do not wanna hear this right now.

I made my way upstairs, regretting my choice of shoes, they stomped upstairs, and I looked at the crowd downstairs, from the banister. I sipped my cocktail occasionally until I walked around the second floor, exploring the place.

I walked into a room, appearing to be the bathroom, and walked into a couple making out in the bathtub. Ooh, she'll have to definitely clean that bathtub sparkling clean after the party.

They didn't even stop making out, just continued and I honestly, turned around and walked the hell out of there. I leant on the railing again, staring at the downstairs, everybody having fun and all.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I noticed Sunghoon finally. Oh my god, that girl was not joking, he looked waaay too good to be true. The half unbuttoned white shirt, black blazer and loose tie around his neck, along with the fake blood from the corners of his lips. The dark eye makeup I could barely make out due to the lighting of the party, his messy ass hair.


Only downside? He was talking and laughing with Chaeyoung.

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