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He came back, not so long later, with a plastic bag, full of things. He placed it onto the table, pulling the contents out. 

This man literally brought a bunch of food and drinks for me. I glanced at them once, then looked back at my work, focusing.

"Come on, I've noticed that you haven't been eating as much lately." Sunghoon spoke, and that made me stop typing.

What do you even mean you noticed I haven't been eating as much lately? This guy pays attention to whatever I do?

A smirk was about to form onto my lips, but I immediately shut it down, back to my cold expression.

He shut my laptop screen down, moving it out of the way and placing the snacks and drinks in front of me. I reached straight for the first snack I craved, opening it and eating it.

God, I feel like I haven't ate this in ages.

Alongside, I opened the drink, the melon drink soothing my throat. It was so good, such a good combination. Actually unforgettable.

Sunghoon watched me feast onto the food, so proudly, staring at me eat up and feel satisfied. Out of nowhere, my bad mood completely dissipated.

"So... you feeling better by any chance?" He looked at my face, trying to read my expression.

"That was so good." I stretched my arms, packing up my stuff immediately after. No way was I going to continue after that good of a feast and nap. 

I suppose I could just give myself a break.

"I know you too well." Sunghoon smiled, walking out the library with me.

"You got lucky." I told him, "I was in a bad mood anyways."

"Yeah right, no way you could stay annoyed at me. Come on now Seoyeon, don't lie to yourself." He scoffed as I rolled my eyes, just following wherever he was going.

"You're too full of yourself Sunghoon." I chuckled, he turned to look at me.

"Come watch my basketball match." He told me, not even a question, he just guided me towards the basketball court inside.

There were already a bunch of students sat on the bleachers, teams getting ready to play, some of the players sat on the side, waiting.

I looked at him as a few eyes made their way to us. 

"Uh, what.."

"Sit up there, come on, support your favourite person." He winked, heading over to his team and doing something. A little perplexed, I made my way up to the bleachers, sitting down somewhere where there was space.

Surprisingly there were alot of people, including Ji-eun and Chaeyoung. Nabi made her way towards me like mid game, sitting beside me with such a large exhale.

"What's up?" I asked her, but also looking over at Sunghoon who had just shot the ball into the opposing team's hoop.

The crowd was majorly female, some male, but there were many cheers, loud cheers, and people even stood up, held banners and whatever. I looked at Sunghoon, who ran to grab some water. The whistle blew, calling for half time.

He looked weirdly attractive, glowly from the sweat dripping from his forehead, down his neck, his muscles appearing through his shirt. The way he drank the water was even attractive too, it was so weird.

He looked at me, and waved, at first I was unsure if he was waving to me or not, so I just looked back at Nabi.

"Sorry, but your best friend is really annoying me." Nabi confessed, and now I was listening, "Me and Sunghoon's friend, Heeseung, have a little something between us, and she's literally, going for the whole friend group." Nabi sounded very frustrated, as if she was about to pull her hair out.

"Huh? I thought she only wanted Sunghoon?" Damn, Chaeyoung looked like she was changing drastically.

"She does! She changes immediately with Sunghoon, and it's so frustrating because then she does some shit, or says some stupid ass shit, and suddenly Heeseung's attention is directed onto her, I can't even speak in that group because she's acting so weird."

Well, this is not the first time I've heard this.

"Can't you just speak to Heeseung about it? Or Sunghoon, I don't know Nabi. Why is everybody coming to me with this?" I groaned, Nabi looked over at me.

"I can't speak to any of them about it! Because they probably think it's just how she acts!!!" Nabi exclaimed.

"Tell Chaeyoung to fuck off then." I was over this conversation already, "Or just act equally as annoying as her and we'll see how she likes it."

"Hey, that's not so much of a bad idea." Nabi looked over at me, pretty satisfied with that answer. 

Randomly, Sunghoon sat beside me, letting out a deep groan as girls squealed over him, I looked over at him.

"You're in a bad mood again." Sunghoon leant his head back, but looked at me at the same time.

"No I'm not." I crossed my arms at how he could actually read me so well, I didn't even think I looked as if I was in a bad mood.

"Pfft, don't lie." He was catching his breath, how fine is this man.

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