Chapter Two- Ada

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Chapter Two
The room is beautiful. It's quite big too. The color scheme is brown, gold, bronze, gray, and green. I walk around the room and look at the window. The garden is baffling, but my eyes go towards the training area. The area is a large dome, at least 30 to 40 feet tall, and it has training gear. I smile and walk over to the closet, which is completely empty. I remember being sent off with at least 200 chanch. It's Saturday so I would need clothing. I grab my bag and walk around this maze of a castle. I find and walk out of the castle doors.

The wind rushes in my hair as I fly. I look down and see the town. I plummet towards the ground. At the last moment, before I collided with the ground, I quickly spread my wings. Letting me safely and gracefully glide towards the floor. I start to walk around. There are so many buildings and they all shimmer in the sunlight. It's about lunch right now and the vendors are yelling, promoting their foods and treats. There is an open shop made for people like me. It had a sign made of marble with the words "Clothing for Wings" in a fancy font.
I walk in and pull my wings in as tight as I can. There aren't as many people here but there is a lot of clothing and stuff I could knock over. It smells like sage and peppermint around the store. Everything in here is about 10-20 chanch which is somewhat expensive. I picked out some shirts and pants. Most of them for casual days and some for training. I then look over and something catches my eye. It's a long red and black dress. I stand there for a moment staring.
The thing has a decreasing V neck with see through sleeves tights at the top of the arm but near the hand it's wavy. It exposes the shoulders and the back is completely exposed. A dress like this must be at least 150 chanch. I picked up the price tag and I was close; It's 220. I sigh and walk towards the cashier. She has a smile that couldn't be seen as kind, but not mean either. She must have been working for a while. I give her the 70 chanch and grab my bag of stuff.
I walk out of the door to be bombarded with a tourist. It's a goblin man wanting to take a picture with me. "Please? Your wings are gorgeous." He says. He touches my feathers. He. Touches. My. Wings. He smiles at me. I flinch and back up. "No, thank you. Leave me be." I say unconformable. I have never been in a situation like this before. He asks once again. "Please? I would love to have a picture with an angel like you." I shake my head again. I try to walk away but he follows me.
"How about a date? You are a very attractive woman." He says winking. "I would love to have you for dinner." He grabs my arm and starts pulling me. I freeze. He turns around to see why I stopped moving. I grab his arm as hard as I can. He gasps and lets go. I don't let go. I start to rotate my hand, rotating his ulna and radius bone.  But, that's when I look back into his eyes. He is pale and he is looking behind me.
"She said to leave her alone. You leave her alone before something bad happens." A familiar voice says behind me. I drop the man's arm and whip my head back. The man screams in pain, holding his arm. I didn't break it but it sure will be sore for a while. It's Queen Lakenna. I immediately bow. I'm still shaken about what happened. I don't realize that I'm shaking until the queen grasps my shoulder and pulls me behind her. "Get out of my sight. If you harass anyone more you will be severely punished. You do know how long the jail time is?" She says. The goblin is terrified. That's when he backs up and starts running.
"Are you ok, Ada?" Lakenna asks as she turns to her guards and sends them after the man. She takes a quick glance at me.
"Yes, my highness. Thank you."
"Are you sure?" I realize she's looking down at my hands. They are trembling as I hold my paper bag, marked with the store name I just came from. I put them behind my back and nod. She smiles and turns away. She looks at the guards pulling along the goblin, who is now clutching his arm.
"How hard did you grab him?" She chuckles, noticing too. I smile.
"Not that hard."
She laughs. She turns around and nods to me. I bow and she starts walking away. I take a deep breath and turn away to start walking. I look at my hands. I walk past one of the taverns named Kings and Queens, towards one of the street vendors selling sandwiches and buy one

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