Chapter Five - Asalana

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Chapter Five


The fairy just vanished. Lakenna stands up cursing. That is when I remember. I look over at the angel on the ground. "Oh Greats..." I say. I grab my stomach. That's a lot of blood. I think. I run down the stairs rushing over to her. Where the hell is everyone? Where are all the guards? I pick up the limp Ada. Thank the Greats she is still breathing. I look down at the cut wing and her wounded eye. The remaining air in my lungs rushed out. If I were not on the floor I would have passed out.

Lakenna drops the sword when she snaps out whatever trance she was in. She looks over at Ada and covers her mouth. "I'll get a doctor." She says as she rushes towards the front entrance. "GET THE HELL UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS!" I hear her scream. The guards must be out there. "SHES DIEING IN THERE. GET A MEDIC." She screams again. That surely won't be the last of the scolding. They will most likely be fired too. And, with that on their permanent record, never to be hired. I take off the robe I'm wearing. Underneath is just a simple blue nightgown. I wrap it around the wounded wing, tightly, so it wont bleed out too much. I hug Ada tightly against me. It feels like hours go by, us just sitting there, however it was really 30 minutes.

I hear Lakenna run in with a whole bunch of doctors. I clench Ada tighter as they rush over. Some of them grab towels and bandages from their bags -my robe isn't enough to keep all the blood in-, whereas others try to talk to me. But, all I can feel right now is the ragged breathing of her. "We need to get her to the hospital." The elf says. She tries to take Ada in her arms. "I'll carry her." I say as I stand up. I look back at Lakenna. She is wearing her robe again, she must have put it back on before everyone came.

We are rushing through the streets. Luckily, the hospital isn't far from here. Before we left the palace her wing was properly, and securely, bandaged. Same for her leg and eye. But, she will probably have permanent damage from that. I hold her tight in my arms, she isn't that heavy. For an 18 year old, she is very light. Usually, the angels will fly the patients to the hospital, but there must not be much on duty right now.

The hospital luminates light, brightly for all the other shops are closed and dark. We ran into the hospital. Nurses and doctors immediately swarm us. I carefully drop Ada onto the stretcher. The people run off with her as me and Lakenna stand there. The voices are muffled around me. "Would you like new clothing, my queen?" A witch asks me. "You have blood all over your clothing."

"It will be okay. We will go home now, thank you for helping." Lakenna answers and she grabs a hold of my shoulder and leads me out through the hospital doors. A broken sigh leaves my lungs as we step into the frigid air. "Come on, let's go home. We can see if she is awake in the morning." I nod as I clench my dress with my fists. Am I dreaming? Is this just a nightmare? It must be; all fairies are dead, there is no way I saw one tonight. I will wake up and everything will be okay.

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