Chapter Nineteen- Ada

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Chapter Nineteen


The other red guards leave the room. Just Asalana, Lakenna, and I sit in the room. "Are you... Doing well, Ada?" Asalana asks, staring at me. I nod.

"Yes, ma'am. I am, you?" I responded. They both nod. I can't really lean back in the chair, for my wing is still sore. Even if this happened a month ago my wounds are still there.

I will be completely healed soon, though. Asalana and Lakenna stand up from their seats. I stand up too, beside them. I hold my wings close to me as I follow both out of the room.

I step through the arched doorway of the cabinet meeting room. We walk the halls, walking past the armoury room and the southern study. Asalanas light blue dress trails along her and Lakennas cloak barely touches the carpeted flooring.

I follow them, getting to the stair hall. I glance over the mezzanine balcony, to the floor beneath. Right here was where I was attacked by Queen Ele. We walk down the bifurcated stairs.

My uniform fits me well. The top is practically a corset with a low back to accompany my wings. And the bottoms are black straight pants. They go down to my ankles. I have a black cloak that goes around my shoulders and that has a hood. I wear black boots with my sword at my hip. Asalana keeps glancing over to it.

We walk into the vestibule of the castle, the large open room in front of the stair hall. We turn to a couple of maids and guards.

"The king of Azuland is here." The tall troll guard announces. Lakenna nods. They all quickly bow and rush away.

My cane clicks on the floor as I follow after Lakenna and Asalana. They walk down a window-filled hall into the great dining room.

There sits the King of the mushroom kingdom, King Sam. King Sam sits up from his seat and bows to the queens. The doors close behind us, leaving just us.

The dining room is a large open room with a dark oak table in the middle. The wall in front of me is windows. The walls are white and plants in marble pots decorate the room.

Lakenna and Asalana sit on one side of the table, whereas King Sam sits on the other. I stand tall, behind Lakenna and Asalana from where they sit. I stand in between two potted plants and in front of a painting of Winden.

I rest my hand on the handle of my sheathed sword. King Sam looks down on it. "That's a rather nice sword." He says. He's known for his war strategies. His kingdom fought along with Winden during the Queen War. He must know a lot about weapons too.

"Thank you, sir. Family heirloom." I responded. I nod my head towards him. He nods back, the lighting from the windows shining onto the jewels engraved in his crown. He looks back to the queens.

"Nice to see both of you again. We haven't met since the last Queen War ball." Sam says. His foot taps on the floor softly. Under the table and chairs lies a uniform green carpet. I glance around the silent room. Light from the windows brightens the great dining room.

The doors open. Maids walk in carrying food. There are about five of them. They lay down three plates, glass cups, a jug of water, and a variety of vegetables.

Each of the plates contains maple rosemary pork chops with a side of roasted potatoes. King Sam lays a napkin down onto his lap. They all start to eat. I look around the room, and out the windows. I see something. A couple of moths along the window cell. My breath catches in my lungs. I glance down to Asalana and Lakenna to see if they see it too. They look down at their plates and across the table at Sam.

I walk forward a bit, grabbing my cane from where it leaned on the wall. I lean forward next to both Lakenna and Asalana.

"Ma'am, there are moths outside." I whisper into their ears. Lakenna whips her head over. She grasps her fork tightly. Asalana freezes in motion. I stand up straight. "Please excuse me, I have something to do." I say to them in a calm manner. King Sam looks at us, suspicious. I bow to them and turn to walk out of the doors. Before I walk out and close the doors I unsheath my sword. "Lock the doors behind me."

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