Chapter Nine- Lakenna

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Chapter Nine


I walk into my room. I look around for Asalana. She's not in here. I pull off my cloak and spread my wings out. I walk over to the center of the room. I make sure the curtains are closed and I fly up. I get to the very top of the domed roof and pull down a loose wooden board. A medium sized box lies there. I pick it up and fly back down. I land on the ground, my dress spreading over the deep brown flooring. I walk over to the bed, my heels clicking loudly. I sit down and open up the box. There is a book and a key.

I pull out the book and look down. Shankas book, her last possession. I open it up and start reading. It's all of the information. Shanka was one of a kind. She could read the future. She wrote everything she saw in this book. I turn through the pages. Stopping on almost the last one. Her handwriting is shaky.

Entry- Year 4038.

I saw something. I don't know what it was... It was terrifying. I saw a war. I saw fairies. I saw them. They were all back. They truly are immortal. All six of them. And, I saw one more thing... It was the King of the Small.. He stole the Lyre.

Entry- Year 4038

The end will happen. Year 4168. 110 years after the fairy war. We will all die. The end of the world. Raza ended it. Raza did it. She ended the whole world with the returned Symbol of peace.

I read these Entries. She knew what all was going to happen. I place the book down and think. Who was she talking about? The six of them. It's a mystery. Every single page after these last ones were ripped out by Shanka. She's alive. I have to see her. However, she might not be that happy to see me. I must go back to the base.

I put on commoner's clothing and pull on my cloak. I leave without my guards. I walk to downtown Winden. People pay no attention as I walk by. My cloak hood is up, covering my face to others. I take a deep breath of the air here. It reminds me of my young years, twenty years ago. The air smells of sea water and fish, as this part of Winden is pretty close.

I walk to the sewer entrance. A gush of cold air comes from it. I look around before entering and walk into the water. I have a torch with me. I light it up and start running. I remember the route perfectly. I turn into the 9th hole on the right. I take twists and turns, running through the tunnels. I know I'm about to be there. I slow down and go into a careful walk. We are far underground, and even right next to the sea. I see the door. It's stone with a metal handle. It's hard to see without a light. I pull the cloak hood down and pull out the key from the box. I enter it into the key slot. It clicks. I grasp the door handle and swing it open.

I walk in. The base is exactly how I remember. The red carpet, the leather couches, and the long "family tree" of all the members. I see a newly carved group. Shanka has her name carved in along with eight new groups.

I hear a gun click. I raise my hands up and turn around. Shanka lowers the pistol. "Lakenna... you're here." I lower my hands and nod.

"You're alive." I say. She places the gun back into her gun holster. "Why didn't you come see me?" She just stares at me with a harsh look.

"You left me there." She responds.

"You were dead."

"I was breathing. I was conscious."

"You were bleeding out. You were long gone." There are some tears in her eyes. She has aged rapidly. She must be only 39 right now. It's been twenty years.

"You could have tried. You could have saved me. You left." She's yelling at me.

"No! No I couldn't have! How are you even alive?"

"I'm a witch, remember? Or did you forget me? Was I forgotten? I know you went back to the battlefields. You saw I wasn't there. You must have had doubts."

"I'm sorry... I- I didn't forget you. You have to understand."

"You forgot everyone! You left everyone! Alive or not! You left them to live up in that fancy castle! You never had cared about us." Shanka yells. She was right.

"Im leaving. Im sorry, Shanka."

Shanka was right. I did have doubt. I did leave her to die. But, I didn't know she was going to live. I didn't know how to help her. I walk over to the door and look back at her.

"Bye, Shanka. Sorry I didn't stay." I walk out of the door and shut it. I walk into the darkness of the sewers.

Im dedicating this to my best friend Urgencytowrite02 <33 She's honestly the best.

Thank you all for reading :3

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