Chapter Thirteen- The Moth Queen

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Chapter Thirteen

The Moth Queen

It's nice to be back. To be able to see all of my faithful fairy servants. I have been back on this world for about twenty days. We have been planning an attack on Winden. The winged girl has the sword. The sword of which ''killed' me those thousands of years ago. I gathered a whole bunch of soldiers and fighters. We will be attacking in twenty days from now.

Apparently, according to some of the fairies, there is a ball to remember the War of the Queens. It will be a huge event where Kings, Queens, and Rulers all over the world unite for one night at the Palace of Winden. It's a big deal to get in.

Our plan is for us to all enter in and later attack the individuals. I'm not quite sure of my whole plan. I want me and my citizens to roam this world without getting killed or enslaved. And at this point, it seems like the only solution to this is to take over the planet.

I never wanted to do this. I never wanted to have to kill. I never even stole the Lyre, the symbol of peace. I'm completely sure it was him.

The whole world was once united. All fairies, humans, elves, and other creatures, were all in peace and harmony. In the middle of the world was the Symbol of Nature. All creatures great and small gathered around to praise it.

The ancient object was a Lyre. It wasn't just some normal Lyre. It was a gift made of the finest of gold wrapped with green vines and orange flowers. The tale of the land is that one pluck of a string brings wealth, immortality, and luck to the one who dares to. However, the handheld harp can only be plucked by the purest of creatures. Who plucks the string is named a Great.

The Greats rule the whole world. The Greats include Ele the Queen of Fairies, Johan the King of Human, Atha the Queen of Elf, Patrick the king of Angles, Enean the Ruler of Witches, and finally Deimos the King of the Small. One day Azulan became tired of just being the ruler of the small and decided to steal the Lyre to pluck for a better fortune. The lyre did not resent being taken away from King Azulan for he was trusted by the precious object. Azulan stole the lyre and hid away with it. However, once he plucked it, the lyre started dissolving into thin air, for the one who plucked wasn't pure or had good intentions. Azulan started panicking and just ran back to his throne in the Grand Palace of the Greats.

Of course, someone noticed the lyre was missing and came running towards the Greats. The Greats all knew it had to be one of them for no one else could touch the lyre. That's when the argument that broke the world into wars and fights started. All fairies, humans, elfs, and all the others broke apart ending the peace. Azulan did not admit to the terrible crime he had done for he could be dishonored and his wealth, immortality, and luck would be taken away.

No one confessed to the crime that they didn't do and that's then the world of species was split. Each Great had ruled their own section on the world. However, no one ruled, or even stepped on, the island of the missing Symbol of Nature.

Queen Ele was accused of stealing it. That's when the Great Fairy War started. Queen Ele led the huge army of fairies. However, in the end they were the losing team. A paid assassin by the name of Fana put an iron sword through the heart of Queen Ele, when on the battlefield, and she just... Vanished. All fairies were killed. The ones that managed to survive were made to hide and if they were caught, they were tortured until death. Once the fairies were killed, that's when everything went back into peace. Many different kingdoms formed and many new living things came.

However, one by one, the rest of the living Greats went missing. No one knew where they went. The creatures say they turned into stars or they went to a different universe to help save people. But, no one knew for sure where their rulers went.

With the Greats gone Kings and Queens were crowned to guide the kingdoms. The queens and kings were crowned because they were proved to be descendants of the Greats. The world was perfect. The kingdoms included Winden the Kingdom of Light, Azuland the Kingdom of Mushroom, Mleein the Kingdom of Rose, and Elein, The kingdom of death. All kingdoms were at peace.

BAM! WORLD HISTORY! Hope it all makes sense now lol. Anyways, Im dedicating this chapter to my best friend.

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