Chapter Twenty-one - Ada

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Chapter Twenty-One


The ball is coming up. I have been a Red Guard for about two weeks now. My wing is completely healed now. My leg is doing okay and I don't have to use my cane as often.

The use of potions and due to my fast healing I'm almost completely healed. I can easily fly like before and I have gotten a bit used to my prosthetic leg.

I walk through the town and go to the "Clothing for Wings" store. With my new pay checks I can finally buy that dress. Being a private red guard pays you well. 50 chanch everyday.

I walk in and walk up to the register. The woman looks up to me and gives me a smile.

"Hello ma'am. How may I help you today?"

"Hi.. May I please buy that dress?" I ask nervously. I point to the dress still on the mannequin. It's a long black dress with gold accents. It has a decreasing V-neck with a completely exposed back. The dress is tight at the top, but around the knees it slowly extends out and has extra fabric trailing along the ground. There is a slit from around the lower part of the thigh.

The woman nods. "Yes. Would you like it in that color?" She asks. I look back and nod at her. The dress reminds me of my uniform. "Size?" She asks again. I give her what size the dress should be and she walks into the back of the store. About a minute later she comes out with a dress garment bag.

I hand her my money and she hands over the bag. I give a quick check inside at the dress before I walk out of the store. I turn left and run right into Damanion. I gasp a bit in surprise as I fall back.

He grabs me by the arm before I fall to the floor and holds me. I hold the bag tight in my hands as he pulls me back to my feet. I look up at him.

"Sorry-" We both say at the same time. We stare at each other for a couple of seconds. I look down to my arm he is still holding.

"Uhm... You can let go now-" I say.

"Oh, yeah- Sorry." Damanion says. He quickly lets go and looks down over me. He looks at the bag I have. "What's that?" He asks. I look down at the dress bag.

"Oh, it's my dress for the Queen's Dance." I say. I look around, trying to find an excuse to leave. Damanion seems to catch on.

"I've got to go. Bye, Adalyn." He says. He walks past me, sticking his hand in my hair and messing it up. He walks by, slowly. I just watch him. I snap out of my gaze and quickly turn away. What was that? I think to myself.

Slowly, over the next week, me and the other guards get closer as friends. We have to work together a lot. James is kind, Runa is playful, Avaylin is calm, and Damanion is... flirtatious.

We get called back into the cabinet meeting room. We all meet here with Lakenna at least three times a week. I take my seat right next to Damanion, again.

"As you know, the Queens Ball is in two nights. I wanted to let you all know to take the morning off of that day and tomorrow. But, come here around 12 pm that day. The guests will be arriving around 5pm." We all nod. "You all will have to be on high alert that night. Who knows what will happen. The Queen of Moths might be there or even the smallest things like a felon sneaks in." Lakenna says.

"Will other guards be there?" Avaylin asks.

"We will have guards outside the castle and even some roaming the halls. However, you five will be the only guards inside the ball and party." Lakenna answers.

"Will we be able to carry our weapons with us?" I ask.

"Yes, you will. Each of you will be wielding your main weapon. However, please wear something other than your uniform. Now, is that all?"

The Queen of MothsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora