Chapter Six- The Moth Queen

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Chapter Six

The Queen of Moths

As surprising as it is, I'm still "alive". However, really, the beings who are chosen to be part of The Greats die once they touch the lyre. For, they are no longer living, but immortal. Forever being. I died a long time ago. A lot of people believed I died when I was impaled by the sword. Which is quite silly really, I literally cant die. And, I never will. And, based on the information I picked up so far, all of the other Greats are currently not being on this world. They probably all went where I did when I "died". It's impossible to tell. Even I don't know.

Some of my fairy servants still roam this earth hidden. All of the poor fairies I once knew; dead. But, I shall roam this world, full of sorrow, violence, and regret. I shall kill the one who wields the sword of light. That sword is the one who brought me to my "death". But, I have awaken to kill. To avenge myself and my faithful servants. I will do anything to do that.

I return to the forbidden land of the fairies. You see, I already sent out a note to all fairies as soon as I figured out where I was. I sit upon my throne, looking down on at least a thousand of them. Considering there used to be millions this is quite a disappointment. The age of them all range from 15 to 1000. Fairies live quite a long time.

The fairy citizens watch me in awe. Of course, after 12,000 years, it was a quite momentous moment that a Great was back and their Queen. I stand up from my stone throne covered in vines. The whole kingdom of fairies had been claimed by nature, due to it being abandoned for 12 thousand years. "I shall see that some fairies still stay standing and living even after the... hard times." My voice booms over the audience. Everyone stands in silence. "I'm so sorry I left you for all these years, but now I am back. For revenge."

People look around at each other. They realize what this means. Cheers erupted throughout the abandoned island. They, of course, have questions, doubts, and worries. But, I assure them, everything will be fine. It will all be fine. 

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