Chapter Three- Lakenna

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Chapter Three
"Remember the goblin who kept being reported for harassment?" I say. Asalana is sitting at her vanity, brushing her gold hair.
"Yes, what about him?"
"We caught him today. Got him into a jail cell."
"Oh that's marvelous!" She said, she lays down her brush and stands up. She walks over to me and takes my cape off. "I really wish you didn't have to hide these things." She mummers as she touches my wings.
"I would be killed if people knew. And, you would be a disgrace to being betrothed to a fairy."
She sighs. Asalana goes and looks out the window. "How did you catch the man?"
"I caught him in town today. He was trying to take Ada, and she almost broke his arm." I say. Asalana freezes. She takes a deep breath and walks over to our window. Our room is on the
"Well, he is going to face at least 10 years. One year for all the people he hurt." She said, I walk over to where she is standing. She has let go of the white curtains, staring down with a sad expression on her face. I see Ada in the training grounds. She never stops, does she? I remember visiting the academy. I was being led around by the principal.

A couple of months before-

"And here is our top student." He said. I look through the glass walls of the dome. It was lunch, and no one else was in there but her. "What's her name?" I ask. She doesn't seem to see us. She keeps training. She's flying around with a sword. There is a mannequin resembling a fairy and another angel. My heart breaks a little while realizing that a standard practice in the academies is how to kill a fairy. "Her name is Ada Venqilsh. She's been here for 5 years. She's only 18, too." She must have been 13 when she started here. The average acceptance age is 15 or 16. She took out both the fairy and angels quickly. The mannequins fell to the ground and quickly resembled themselves.


I sigh. "Does she ever sleep?" I ask. She's running around the huge training dome with a bow and arrow in hand. She tied her wings up behind her back to simulate a fight where her wings were injured or cut off. I grab Asalanas' hand and lead her to bed. She lays down, and I give a quick kiss to her forehead. She gives me the biggest smile ever, and I hop into the bed with her. She cuddles up against me and closes her eyes. I close my eyes, too. But tonight, I am also smiling.

I woke up to a loud gunshot. And then, Ada screams at someone. Me and Asalana are sitting up in bed. I rush out and go to my closet. Asalana grabs a candle, and I grab a longsword. "Stay behind me, love." I say as I carefully step out of our room. The hallway is dark. "Where is all of our guards?" Asalana says. Every door I go past, I open it with my sword pointed in. That's when I hear Ada yelp. "WHERE ARE YOU? FACE ME YOU COWARD" She screams. It's coming from the main hall. That's when I break into a run, with Asalana following behind. We get to the platform above the room.
Ada is up in the air with... My heart stops. There is a fairy. She's Queen Ele. I cover my mouth. Ada is swinging at The Moth Queen with her sword. I look to the ground, and there is a gun laying there. That's what woke us up. That's when Ele, with her own sword, hits Ada in the wing. Ada screams and falls to the ground like an injured butterfly.

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