Chapter 405 - Greia

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Souta and Isabella were the only ones left in the room. Franklin and the others already left to conquer the other worlds. They brought ships that they've plundered from the warden's territory. Also, they don't have to worry about resources for a while. Each warden had a huge amount of resources on their bases.

About the maintenance of the ships, there were more than hundreds of thousands of prisoners in this world. Some of them knew how to maintain a ship. They were experts in different fields like mechanic, engineering, magecraft, bladesmith, poitioneering, etc.

Souta stood up and looked at Isabella. He said, "Prepare your things. We're leaving after half an hour." He then went out of the room to survey the prison.


Souta was on top of the main building observing the prison. This prison, the catastrophe rank, didn't look like a prison at all. It was a city and everything that people needed could be found here. Various facilities were erected in every corner and it provided food and water to the guards.

But if he looked closely, he will find those jails all over the city.

He recalled that the number of the guards, also called citizens of this place, surpassed ten thousand. Their security was tight. It was tight for people below B-rank. The only thing that's worth mentioning here was their numbers.

'So much for a prison...' Saya's voice sounded.

"Yeah, only the guards could roam around. They married here and lived their life in this place." Souta said with a blank expression.

The guards here lived their entire life in this world. The male guards married the female guards and have children. Their children will be trained and become a guard after they grow up.

They have livestock and planted fruits and vegetables. Some of them even created accessories to sell. There's even a park and playground in this place.

If one didn't look closely they will find that this was a normal city but in fact, it was entirely different on the other side.

Souta turned his head and looked at the ships in a huge space. There were a total of four ships in the huge parking lot. The others ships already left this world and went to conquer the other worlds.

"Well, I understand why they call this world a Prison World."

He muttered as he looked down at the huge building beneath his feet.

This was the main building where most of the vile and notorious criminals were imprisoned. This place was like a hell for them. They experience torture that they haven't seen in their entire life in this very building.

'You're a third evolution monster now... It's been a few months since you've been out of Imperium. Do you still have a plan to meet with them? If you use your energy in their presence they will instantly know that you're a monster.' Saya said.

"I don't know but I'm surely going back to Imperium. I can hide in this place for the rest of my life but I don't want that. I still want to know the truth of the world. So I will meet them in Imperium. It's inevitable." Souta said as he looked at the blue sky.

'You are going to tell them the truth?' Saya asked.

"Yeah, it's one of the things that I couldn't avoid." Souta nodded and he closed his eyes. Events about the games flashed before his eyes.

If he wanted to avoid it, he could simply hide in the sub-world but he also wasn't about it. Sub-worlds weren't safe too as various battles will occur in the future and hundreds of sub-worlds got destroyed.

If he wanted a safe place then he could first build up his strength. If he had enough strength, he could create a safe place for him.

Peaceful times had passed. Chaos will spread out and engulfed everything.

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