Chapter 552 - Witch Clan: Struggle II

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Alice took a blow on her stomach. She raised her left hand and conjured a black energy. As soon as she conjured it, the golden bell rang and sent out sound waves.

Bang! Bang!

The sound waves were blocked by her energy.

"Yeah, I'm not a match for you but... I'm not alone." Alice sneered while looking at the man in front of her.


Rowan quickly threw a punch beside him as Souta arrived and rapidly slash the sword in his hand. His fist which was covered by his energy collided with the sword.


Souta gritted his teeth. This was going to be their last battle as the fifth stage monster orb on his back was drained. He couldn't receive any more energy and actually, this was better for him. He was having a hard time keeping up with Rowan as some of his attention was focused on absorbing the energy from the monster orb. Now that the orb was gone, he could entirely concentrate on fighting this Clan Leader.

"I can help you. As long as you accept my offer then you won't need to fight me. Instead, you will receive benefits better than what these witches could give you."

Rowan said while shifting his body to the side. Then, he kicked Souta on the knees before he received a slash on his left shoulder. He simply ignored the pain and punched Souta on the elbow before he threw a golden energy ball.


Alice thrust her spear forward and deflected the golden energy ball. She gathered her energy as the gigantic bell launched a series of sound waves.

[Dark Sweeper]!

A black sphere of energy formed in front of her and she threw it towards the invisible sound waves.

The two attacks collided causing a powerful explosion in the sky.


Souta and Rowan who were closed to it ignored the explosion as they kept exchanging powerful and high-speed blows.

The seven shadows secretly went behind Rowan. When the opportunity to arises, the shadows launched an attack but Rowan's reaction was fast. In an instant, he crushed the seven shadows but he didn't know that these shadows were bait.


Rowan looked behind him as a powerful gravity suddenly pulled him towards the ground. He resisted using his power but he saw Souta slashing his sword in his direction.

"It isn't enough!"

He said as he raised his other hand and created a golden semi-transparent shield.


Souta vanished in front of him and was replaced by a small black sphere. Then, his senses told him that there was danger above him.

[Shadow Ball]!

He clenched his fingers tightly as his sword landed on Rowan's body once again. This guy, Rowan, wanted to lure him with some benefits yet Rowan didn't know that Souta wouldn't receive anything from the Witch Clan after this. Also, how could the one controlling Rowan give him some points equivalent to the chain quest that he was trying to complete right now?

In his point of view, even if Rowan wanted to give him some powerful skills or treasure it wouldn't matter to him at all. He could get those things in the future but the points that he will get in this chain quest will vanish if he failed it. The two things couldn't be compared at all in his eyes.

For a chain quest, he simply came here with Amanda to complete it and nothing else would change his mind. He didn't come here to rescue this clan or save some innocent people. He came here for his own benefits and that's to earn some points for himself.

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