Chapter 431 - Great Astley Empire: Battling the Royal Guards

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"Your Highness, please leave this place quickly!" Daynsvi, the captain of the royal guard, said while looking at Souta with a wary expression. "Orlan, Gin, Farlon, escort Your Highness and the rest."

The three nodded respectfully and they turned towards the emperor and his family.

At this time, Souta opened his mouth and said, "It's no use. I've already locked down the entire palace. No one would be able to leave this place without my permission. Well, if you have the strength to defeat me then you could shatter the gravity field that I set up but from what I could see nothing among you have that kind of power."

The emperor looked at Souta and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

Souta shrugged his shoulder and said, "Nothing personal here. Someone just asked me to help her destroy the empire. You could say that I'm a mercenary that will accept any job as long as you provided me a quest."

"T-Then... How about I double the price that they paid to you? Anything, I will give you anything." The emperor tried to negotiate with Souta.

"I think that you have misunderstood me. The things I could get from the quest aren't material and you can't provide it to me." Souta said as he stepped forward once again.

As soon as he stepped forward, the rest of the royal guards charged at him without hesitation. Their mana burst out of their body as the parasitic essence eater boosted their physical abilities.


Souta collided with Daynsvi. Their figure flashed as they repeatedly threw powerful blows against each other. Even the other royal guards tried to help their leader in fighting Souta.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shockwaves erupted everywhere and crack formed on the ceiling, walls, and floor of the palace. It couldn't handle the power from a third evolution monster and a powerful A-rank with a parasitic essence eater along with several ordinary B-rank experts.

Torkez glanced at the battle then he turned his attention towards the royal family.

"I'll handle this..."

He was about to come forward when the rest of the royal guards blocked his way. He knew that it wouldn't be easy and he already expected that he will fight here. So he had no choice about it as fighting was inevitable in their mission.

Both of his hands turned into blades and he launched himself forward.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The emperor and his family looked at the battles with a pale expression. They didn't expect that the enemies would come here to kidnap them.

Fear. Fear started to appear in their hearts. This was the first time that they've experienced something this terrible.

"I need to activate it..."

The emperor muttered as he looked at the triangular device on his hand. He turned around and sat down on the emperor's seat.

After he sat down, he leaned his back on the back support of his seat. He then looked at the triangular device in his hand and pressed the button on its back.


The chair emitted a dim light. Several needles appeared on the back support and it pierced his spinal cord.

*Connecting to the Guardian Fortress!*

*Activating the Guardian Fortress!*

The emperor frowned as he felt pain all over his body. He was establishing his connection to the warheads that were sleeping around the capital.

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