Chapter 448 - Normal Day

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Bryan was in his room thinking about the things that Lumilia said to him. They couldn't trust that girl as they don't have enough information but his instinct was telling him the opposite.

He could still remember how afraid the girl became when they told her that the authorities were coming. If this was an ordinary event, he would simply save the girl and be done with it but this time his senses were warning him. It means that something dangerous was happening in this country and they don't have any idea about it.

He was an A-rank and he would only feel danger against something at his level or above him.

Bryan fell asleep while thinking about the girl. He woke up early in the morning before the sun rise.

His routine was to wash his face and brush his mouth before he eat his breakfast. After that, he wore his uniform and went towards the academy.

"Ahhh~ I'm tired..."

Bryan yawned while walking. He wanted to sleep more but he guess that he would continue it in his class.

"Brother Bryan!!"

A voice sounded behind him. He turned around and saw a girl with red twin tails running in his direction while waving her petite hand.

"Oh, Eunice..."

Bryan raised his eyebrows and he stopped walking so that the girl could catch up to him.

This girl was a first-year student at Liven Academy. Her name was Eunice Le Giniver. She came from one of the Ten Great Families, the Giniver Family. She was also the little sister of Amiel, Alea's friend.

"I didn't think that I would see you here," Eunice said with an excited expression as she walked beside Bryan. Her height could only reach Bryan's chin.

"Oh, so where are your guards?" Bryan asked while looking around.

"Hmph, I shooed them away," Eunice said as she crossed her arms in front of her tiny chest. "Why are you always asking me about my guards?"

"Because last time they fought me and they are quite strong so I wanted to fight them once again," Bryan replied to her while scratching his cheeks.

"Tsk! Why is it always about fighting?" Eunice clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Because it's exciting and fun," Bryan replied to her with a big smile on his face.

"Oh," Eunice was in daze when she heard Bryan's expression. She then shook her head. "You will not be able to catch me like that."

"Huh?" Bryan was confused. He couldn't understand what she mean by that.

The two arrived at the academy and they separated. Bryan was a second year student while Eunice was first year student and also their departments were different.

"See you later, Brother Bryan," Eunice said while waving her hand.

"See you too," Bryan said before he turned around.

He got to know her after the small event in the academy. That was the first time that he met this little puny girl. Sometimes, that girl would even join his lunch with Lumilia and Lynn.

Just like what he usually does, Bryan slept in the class and wake up when he heard the ring indicating the time for lunch. Most of the people didn't bother him as they knew that he was strong and has Princess Alea on his back.

"Oh, it's lunch. Right on time. I'm getting hungry right now."

Bryan said as he walked into the canteen and went to his usual table. Lumilia and Lynn were already at the table so he just sat beside them.

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