Chapter 574: Council's Attack: Entering the Imperium I

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“So this is the famed Imperium… The Divine World of legends…” Eilish muttered as she stared at the huge planet with a mesmerizing look.

She dreamed of seeing this legend in the past and now, it was before her eyes. She could hardly believe it.

“The home planet of our leader…”

Eztein stared at the white planet as he felt a strange sensation flowing inside his body.

Everyone was staring at the famed World of Gods.

A world where gods and myths exist.

A world that is filled with unknown resources that they haven’t seen before.

A world that they only know in books.

Most of them thought that the Divine World was just a myth.

And now, it was lying before their very eyes. The sensation was real so there’s no doubt that this was really the Great World.

“We’re finally here. It’s been a long time since I felt the natural energy of Imperium.” Alice said in a low voice as she narrowed her eyes.

She recalled what’s happening in Imperium right now. The barrier has partially opened and the demons have arrived in the two continents, the God’s and Giza Continent. War was happening at this moment and countless people have lost their lives.

She knew that the demons were brutal to their enemies so she had an idea about the things that happened to the people that got captured alive.

‘According to what I know the Great Barrier will disappear soon and people from other continents will be able to travel throughout the entire Imperium.’

Alice said inwardly as she silently glanced at Souta.

Souta covered his eyes with both of his hands. He felt extreme pain assault his eyes the moment he looked at Imperium.

“Souta! What’s wrong?”

Alice hurriedly went to his side and asked him in a concerned tone.

“I-I’m fine…”

Souta was breathing heavily and he was drenched in sweat. He recalled what he did see when he looked at Imperium when his eyes adjusted trying to see the truth.

A gigantic ball of dense energy. It felt like he was looking straight at the sun when he was still weak. The ball of energy had energy veins around it and those veins spread out in the entire outer space. It was connected to the sun, moons, and the planets around it giving off a strange feeling as if it was alive.

Some of the veins disappeared in outer space as they traveled through dimensions. It was as if it was holding everything in place.

But some of the veins were slowly retreating, removing their connection with the planet, galaxies, and other celestial bodies. It was cracking, moving in an unorthodox manner as the veins started to fade in outer space.

The gigantic ball of energy, which was Imperium, was beating wildly. There were stains in its pure white blue color. The dark purple energy dot on its surface was slowly spreading as if it was corrupting the entire world. Deep within it, a huge eye opened and looked back at Souta.

It was at that moment that Souta felt a stinging pain in his eyes.

‘W-What is that?’

Souta was shocked as he kept recalling the things that he saw with his [Galaxy Eyes].


‘What’s wrong, Souta?’ Saya asked.

‘Is Imperium a living being? Or who the one named Imperium?’ Souta asked her as he glanced at the sword in his waist.

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