Chapter 583: Second Headquarters

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“Oh, I understand. If I’m living peacefully in a dungeon and suddenly a group of people came in front of my door wanting to take all the valuable things then I would get angry too.” Eztein nodded.

“In those monsters’ perspective, we’re just a group of robbers.” Souta sighed. “That’s why it’s important to look at the situation from different perspectives. Sometimes, you would figure out how things work if you put yourself in your opponent’s point of view.”

“There’s a law that forbids stealing. Of course, the monsters aren’t included in that law. It’s only for humans and demis. In the end, that law only applies to cities as humans and demis would fight each other in the wilderness for wealth.” Alice added.

“I see… I understand now.” Eztein nodded in understanding.

Eilish opened her mouth and said, “Sometimes, humans and demis are much cruel than monsters. You would even wonder who are the real monsters.”

Monsters only fought for mates and prey yet humans and demis fought for every reason they could find in the world.

“Let’s enter now and gather some valuable things,” Souta said.

The four of them entered the dungeon leisurely. With their strength, they didn’t have to worry about a third evolution monster.

A peak S-rank like Eztein could kill a normal third evolution monster alone.

Alice who was in the initial stage of S-rank could handle a third stage monster with her demon form.

Souta was already stronger than the third evolution but weaker than the four evolution. His strength was abnormal even among the rare monsters.

For Eilish, she was pretty much unstoppable. If there were six of her then she could subdue a normal fourth evolution monster. A shackled realm could already fight a fourth-stage monster to some degree.

In short, one of them could clear this dungeon easily. Four of them entering the dungeon was simply overkill.

Just like what they expected, they cleared the dungeon in an hour. All the valuable things inside become theirs and no one could refute them.

Looking at the loots before his eyes, Souta recalled the time he took the other half of the [Soul Blood Earring]. At that time, he didn’t even dare to clear the dungeon because of the other third-stage monsters living in that place. Just one third-stage already gave his group a beat down to the point that they couldn’t fight another one.

Yet, at this moment he could clear that level of dungeon alone with his current fighting power.

He also recalled the time he fought Gregory. He even lost ten years of his lifespan for overusing Saya’s energy. Ten years of lifespan? He didn’t care about it right now as the lifespan of Blood Goblin was one hundred fifty years.

He would evolve into the fourth stage soon and his lifespan would probably increase by three hundred years.

As for monster lords, they didn’t have a lifespan at all. They could live forever as long as they wanted.

Yet, even though they could live forever, he hasn’t seen someone surpass twenty thousand years old.

The Great War. The God of Hunt said that it was because of the Great War that occurred.

Is it a clearing? Wiping out most of the existence in the universe to reset it? It seems that it only occurred every twenty thousand years.

“What are you thinking, Souta?” Alice asked.

Souta snapped out and he glanced at her. He remembered that only he and Isabella have an idea about the truth that happened twenty thousand years ago. Most of the living creatures in this universe didn’t know about it.

[401-600] THE EVOLUTION OF A GOBLIN TO THE PEAKWhere stories live. Discover now