Chapter 450 - Visit

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"Yes, we just want to help you. I can feel that you're in danger that's why I can't let you go away." Bryan said.

The girl lifted her head as she glanced at Bryan. She opened her shaky palm and said, "C-Can you r-really help me?"

"We couldn't help you if we don't know a thing about you or the people who are after you." The director shook his head.

"I can help you," Bryan said.

The director and the girl glanced at him and saw his serious and sincere expression. He really wanted to help this girl.

"I will help you," Bryan said.. He understood that he couldn't save everyone but if he encountered someone in trouble before his eyes he would save that person.

"I..." The girl opened her mouth while looking straight into Bryan's eyes. "I'm not what you think I am..."

"I don't care. Just tell me your problem and I will lend you everything that I've got." Bryan said to the girl.

The girl give in as she lowered her head and stared on the floor. She slowly opened her mouth and asked, "What did they tell you about me?"

"According to the records your name is Mina and you're a prostitute with a debt of twenty five thousand platinum coins." The director said.

"You didn't found it weird how could a woman like me have a debt of twenty five thousand platinum coins." The girl glanced at the director.

"Nope, everyone who read your records would notice it." The director said. "So can you tell us where did the money came from or where did you spend it?"

"Everything is false. Everything about my record is false. I'll only tell you this but..." The girl hesitated whether she should tell it to these people. She was afraid that she would implicate these two.

"Don't worry. I will not harm you." Bryan said.

The girl looked at Bryan for a second before she turned to the director and asked, "Who would come into your mind that has the ability to temper records like mine?"

"Government?" The director then realized what she was trying to say. "Do you mean that..."

"Y-Yes, that's why I said that I can't stay here in this country. I'm in their territory and they would do anything to bring me back." The girl hugged herself as she recalled what happened to her before.

"Someone who can temper records of ordinary people in this country. It's an influential person and I think that it's a noble. If they are involved in this case then this is really bad. We are like an ant in front of an elephant." The director muttered.

"You realize it now. So are you still willing to help me?" The girl asked as she glanced at the two people in front of her.

The director hesitated. He was just a director of a branch corporation in this country and going against a deeply rooted noble would be akin to killing himself. Even his superiors wouldn't help this girl in exchange for offending those nobles.

But Bryan was different from him.

"Yes, I will help you," Bryan said with a serious tone.

"W-What did you say?" The girl was stunned when she heard his words. She felt she was hearing things because of how tired she was.

"I said that I will help you. I don't care if they are nobles." Bryan said.

At this moment, the director recalled what happened before the Dark Oculus Legion was formed. The news that shocked every people in the country and it was about the students of the Ladro Institute.

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