Chapter 519 - Yuko and Dorajan's Situation

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Souta, Yenxa, Amanda, and Gragas arrived one kilometer before the hidden base below the two mountains. They didn't move forward anyone and decided to rest as they were afraid that some people would spot them if they moved forward.

Souta glanced at Amanda and Yenxa.

Amanda was a witch and her soul weapon at this moment only had a power of an orange grade weapon. Her power level was improving thanks to their constant training inside Saya's inner consciousness.

She's at liquefying realm and when he asked her about it she answered that she liquefied forty percent of her mana in her mana pool. It means that she already reached the intermediate stage of liquefying realm or A-rank expert. It wouldn't take too long for her to reach high stage and peak stage.

But then her power level was still low compared to Franklin and Torkez who reached high stage of liquefying realm. Also, her combat prowess was lower than the two who experienced brutal war in Great Astley Empire for decades and nonstop fighting in the living labyrinth. Her skill set too was nothing compared to them.

It seems that he needed to thoroughly train her and impart some of his skills to her.

Then, about Yenxa. She was a genius as she already reached the peak of C-rank. Her skill set and combat prowess too weren't bad. It's better than Amanda. If Amanda was an early stage B-rank then Yenxa would have beaten her.

In training, Yenxa never complains and she did everything that he ordered like a robot. She didn't show much emotion and she only followed his commands. She wouldn't even budge even if Franklin or Alice ordered her to do something for them.

If the order didn't come from Souta, she wouldn't follow it. She swore to serve him not those people so she only listened to him.

It's bad. Souta said inwardly as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

There will be a time in the future when he's not by her side. At that time, she needed to listen to Alice's or Torkez's commands.

It seems that he needed to correct her behavior. But he could somehow understand her. Yenxa didn't listen to others because she couldn't communicate with them. Also, she didn't have a sense of familiarity with humans and demis.

She felt at home with Souta beside her who was also a goblin.

'Hmm? Maybe, I should leave Yenxa to Doranjan next time. That way, maybe she could open up to the others.' Souta rubbed his chin as he contemplated what he should do to Yenxa.

Oh, right? Doranjan and Yuko were in the Monster Kingdom in the south continent.

Souta closed his eyes and activated the [Pet Resonance] skill to Yuko. Both of their senses were shared to each other.


A small tiny voice sounded in his head. There's no doubt that this was Yuko's voice. She must have felt surprised as he suddenly activated the [Pet Resonance].

'Yeah, it's me. Where's Doranjan? I couldn't see him through your vision and couldn't sense him through your perception.' He nodded and asked.

'Hmph! That hateful old lizard left me here! One day, I'm going to defeat that old lizard! I will! I will beat him!!'

'Hahaha, Doranjan is already a century year old so you wouldn't stand a chance against him! He could become a fourth evolution stage at any moment as he reached the peak of third stage.'

'Then, I will also evolve into the fourth stage and beat him! I don't think that I couldn't beat him in the future!'

'I'm looking forward to it.' Souta laughed lightly before he asked, 'So where is he?'

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