Chapter 407 - Strange Creature

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Bang! Bang!

Souta moved swiftly as he knocked out seven monsters inside the cave. They haven't gone too deeply yet they already encountered seven of them.
He guessed that after the ships scared them the monsters placed some of their comrades near the entrance as guards. If he was correct, then this monster possessed a little bit of intelligence despite being a non-evolved monster.

Isabella squatted in front of the corpses and observed them for a while before she stood up while shaking her head.

"What's wrong?" Souta asked her.

"Nothing... I'm just trying to observe if this one is different than the one on the ship." Isabella replied to him.

"Okay..." Souta said as he continued to walk deeper while the rest followed him.

They found that the cave was bigger than they've imagined. This was like a maze or labyrinth that has so many paths. Also, they've found other monsters deep inside the place. It means that three different species of monsters were living in this maze-like cave.

It's been an hour since they've entered the cave and the people on the ships were getting restless. Noon was slowly approaching as the temperature in the area was rising rapidly. This was one of the most dangerous things in the desolate land of the Greia.

The temperature of desolate land would hit 150 degrees celsius at noon. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to handle this heat but for C-rank and above powerhouses, they could handle this level of heat even if they stayed here for several hours.

One of the five people that Souta brought notify him about this. They explained to him about the heat level of this land at noon. Their power level was only D-rank and below so 150 degrees celsius would definitely burn their bodies.


Souta rubbed his chin as he glanced at Isabella. Her power level was only D-rank and this level of heat was something she couldn't handle.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Okay, the five of you can go back now. The heat level didn't include underground. I'm sure that the heat in this place wouldn't rise to that level because we're more than a hundred meters below the ground.

"Haven't you notice it yet. The toxins and chemicals couldn't reach this place. There's nothing in the air other than oxygen."

Souta noticed it when they were walking. The air in this place was clean compared to the surface. There's no chemicals or toxins that can harm humans and demis.

The five people tested it and found that Souta was correct. They could remove their protective equipment or gears in this place.

"It's true but why there's no record of this in the files?"

"Yeah, it's pretty strange..."

"If that's the case then the heat level will not increase in this place..."

The five people talked to each other. They were amazed to find a place where the toxins and chemicals couldn't reach in the desolate land of Greia.

"Then... What's your decision? You're going back to the ship or staying here with us?" Souta asked the five people.

"We're not going back, sir, but... We're also not going to follow you." One of them said to him.

"So you're going to wait for us near the entrance..." Souta raised his eyebrows as he looked at them.

"Yes, sir. We're going to examine and find the boundary of the toxins and chemicals. We wanted to know how far the toxins could reach." One of the five people said.

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